Chapter 6

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I'm sorry this chapter is kind of shitty haha. It's really late! The next chapter should be REALLY good though ;)

Vote, Fan and comment! :)

~Liv xx


Jonathan pulled me through his house down to his basement. “Have fun tonight?” He smiled at me as he dropped my arm.

“Tons.” I smirked rubbing my arm.

“You little whore. Think you can cheat on me so easily!?” He shouted clenching his fists.

“Cheat on you? You think I cheated on you?” I gasped stepping back away from him.

“Uh yeah! I mean look at that Neil kid! You said he was your favorite. Seems to me he cared an awful lot about you. Don’t get why he would.” Jonathan sneered, saying the last part lower.

“First of all it’s Niall. Second he’s my favorite because of how sweet he is unlike YOU. Third maybe I wouldn’t cheat on you if you showed even the slightest bit you cared about me!” I yelled getting close to his face.

“So you did cheat on me?” He growled grabbing my shoulders.

“N-no I meant… no I didn’t mean that. I meant that… JONATHAN I DIDN’T CHEAT ON YOU!” I screamed frustrated. I ran my fingers through my long brown hair and fell to the floor.

“You’re so stupid you confuse yourself. You make no sense dumb bitch.” Jonathan chuckled as I buried my knees deeper into my chest.

“Stop that.” I mumbled through the tears.

“Stop what? Stop telling you how stupid you actually are!” I felt myself fill with anger. “At least one of us is intelligent in this relationship.”

“You call THIS a relationship?” I questioned looking up at him. “THIS is hell. In a relationship the boyfriend doesn’t insult the girlfriend all the damn time. He doesn’t put her down and make her feel worthless! He tells her she’s beautiful and smart and funny. THIS is no relationship.”

“Excuse you? Are you telling me you aren’t happy?” He gasped grabbing my hair and pulling me up to my feet.

“Well if you call feeling like shit happy then I’m overjoyed.” I gave him a bitter sweet smile.

“So you want to break up?” He asked pacing around me. I hated this. I hated the word break up. Right now I am so mad at Jonathan that I want to break up with him… but I know tomorrow I will feel lonely and empty and just come crawling back into the arms of hell.

“No.” I muttered letting my head hang down. Maybe you really are stupid Kaylee.

“That’s what I thought… now give me a kiss princess.” He grinned that evil grin. He pinched my chin with his fingers and pushed it up. He placed his soft lips on mine but I didn’t kiss back. “Kiss me back now.” He growled pinching my chin harder.

I kissed him back a tear slipping down my cheek. I knew what I was getting myself back into. Jonathan and I just kept going in circles and each time we got back together it got worse. The fighting, jealousy, name calling, all of it increased.

“Now come sit next to me and cuddle.” He grabbed my hand and tried pulling me over to the couch.

“No I want to go home.” I whimpered as my arm jerked forward. “I’m tired.”

“Aw poor baby.” Jonathan whined. “I haven’t seen you all day cause you’re out cheating on me and I forgive you for you to just ‘want to go home.’” He laughed.

He honestly thought I would cheat on him? Wow, how do you pronounce jealous, Jonathan.

“Jonathan I didn’t cheat… I’ve just been walking around all day and I don’t feel good.”

“Whatever.” He rolled his eyes and twisted my arm.

“What the fuck?” I pushed his shoulder causing him to stumble back.

“Watch how you handle yourself princess.” He stepped on my foot causing me to whimper in pain.

All of a sudden the doorbell rang and Jonathan sprinted upstairs. I stood in the basement mentally slapping myself for not breaking up with him… for good. I just couldn’t. He was like my drug, I was addicted and couldn’t quit.

“Guess what we’re doing tomorrow?” Jonathan said to me as he bouned back downstairs.

“Going to the aquarium with those One Direction boys, they said they’d like to get to know me and I’d sure as hell like to get to know them… and make sure they know when to stop.”

Good doing boys.

“So go get some sleep and try to look nice tomorrow. Night bitch.” He gave me a kiss on the cheek and I quickly ran up the stairs and out the front door.

“Kaylee hey wait!” I heard someone yell. I turned around to see the boys were still here, my eyes were blurry from new tears so I couldn’t exactly see who was who.


“Are you alright?” Niall asked.

“I’m fine. See you tomorrow. Thanks.” I sniffled as I quickly ran inside my empty house. Forgot my mum isn’t home. I loved being home alone… so quiet and peaceful.

I guess Niall did save me tonight in a way though… if he hadn’t rang that doorbell our fight could’ve gotten bad. They have in the past.

So thanks Niall…. I think.

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