SnowClan Events

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Froststar became leader

She got her nine lives

SnowClan repopulated

Froststar has to stay at MoonClan because of an event

Brassheart was so good at training, he was named one of the greatest warriors.

Icestar was leader

Icestar names Brassheart deputy

Brassheart makes bad plans due to his talents of communicating with Dark Forest and cats mocking him when he was young since he could communicate with Dark Forest

Icestar defeats Brassheart with Goldendrizzle

Goldendrizzle retires because she's expecting kits and has a mate

Whitetuft, Goldendrizzle's apprentice, becomes the medicine cat

Nutmoon, mate of Goldendrizzle, dies from a grassfire

Goldendrizzle gives birth to a white kit with brown stripes, just like Nutmoon, Purekit

Froststar, at MoonClan needs to go home early because she's expecting kits

Icestar becomes Iceheart

Froststar gives birth to a grey kit with white stripes and odd colored blue paws, Greykit

Froststar gives Greykit to Goldendrizzle because leaders can't have kits (Darn you rule!)

And so on..

P.S. Greykit is younger than Purekit.

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