There's Just Something About You (HiroTadaAi)

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A/N: Hi guys! It's been a while. Before we begin, this fic is Shadow/Tadashi/Adam. It is gonna be more Ainosuke centric in the shipping scene, but the Tadashi/Shadow is there. The reason for this is that this is actually a fic I had the pleasure of writing for a free sfw zine called the Adam in Love Zine (an Adam centric zine about him loving and being loved). If you’re interested in this zine (either cause of this fic or just you’re interested in the concept) I highly suggest you check out the zine here:
Now that that's out of the way, I hope you guys enjoy this fic!


It isn’t a week of work without it for Hiromi—a period of stillness, devoid of the proof of life aside from flowers and Hiromi’s own slowed breathing. Flower shops are popular enough, sure—there’s always a couple, a secret admirer, someone with a sick friend, a wedding order, or just someone looking to liven up their house, after all. There’s always more traffic around holidays, it’s true, yet the period of deadness feels inescapable.

Sometimes Hiromi takes time to hone his ikebana skills, experiment using his friends or an object of affection as a muse—he’d gifted a few to his manager even before his failed confession attempt—but today just seems to be one of those days. He leans back against the front counter of the flower shop, staring at the ceiling. He can’t bring himself to do anything, bored as he is.

If they weren’t so dense

Hiromi scrunches up his eyebrows as the doorbell rings and the door briefly whooshes open.

That can’t be...Tadashi?

No, Kikuchi never visits this day of the week. This is when he usually does though...

Tadashi Kikuchi has been a constant in Hiromi’s life as a flower shop employee for the past few years. He’s a regular who always comes on one of the same few days of the week, specifically during the dead hour. Each time it boggles Hiromi’s mind how Tadashi is able to calculate exactly when the dead period of the day will be; nevertheless, Hiromi is always there to take Tadashi’s orders, big or small—whether they be elaborate arrangements or just bouquets of red roses.

These last few weeks of Tadashi’s visits have been different, though, starting with the aftermath of Adam’s tournament. Just before he’d gone to confess—after spending forever working up the courage—he’d learned his manager already has a partner. It broke his heart, but life goes on.

Tadashi visited the flower shop as per usual, and like a blessing, a consolation from heaven, Tadashi had considered him. Historically, Tadashi made his order, paid, and left. No more, no less. No “good afternoon”, he never returned greetings, and he always had that blank expression. However, this time, when Tadashi came in asking for a bouquet, Tadashi had asked him to pick the arrangement.

Hiromi could not help but be taken aback at the time, but he fulfilled this request regardless, cheeks tinged pink. He was embarrassed, of course. All these years, Tadashi had never acknowledged him as a person and never asked for his opinion. They’d never made any sort of real connection and yet... Maybe Tadashi had never cared about him, only coming into the shop because he needed to, but the meaning behind the arrangement would be Hiromi’s little secret anyways.

Tadashi’s face was blank as always, but there was an unmistakable flame of life in his eyes that’d been but a dying spark before. That flame of life has only grown these past few weeks.

Hiromi turns toward the doorway, already preparing his customer service smile.

It’s a man a bit taller than Tadashi who crosses the threshold into the shop. His hair is a bright blue rather than black, and it’s slicked back as well. Like his hair, his suit is also a more vibrant blue, in contrast to the muted black of Tadashi’s suit.

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