chapter 3: silence

978 27 5

Boss takes the cup, walking back inside. I follow up behind him... Unsure if I should say anything, I stayed silent.

I walked back to the chair my book was on "Mm... " I saw a book mark in the book, "who put a book mark in there... " I thought, picking up the book.

"I put it in... " boss said behind me, I turned my head looking at him. He looked back at me, dimming his eyes, "you left your book open... It damages the spine of the book.. And bending a corner of the page can ruin the book for everyone else.. " he sighed, "so I put a book mark on your page.. "

"T.... Thank you sir" I said, looking back at the book.

He looked back at the paperwork, writing and signing once more. I sit back down, opening up the book. I watched the book mark slide down the page.


About another 4 hours later, boss was one page away from finishing his paperwork as I was asleep against the chair.

Once he finished he stood up and walked up to me. "Jeez killer.. "

He picked me up bridal style, using his magic to put the book away. "Let's go to your room killer.. " he walked to the library door, opening it with his magic.

He walked down the corridor, it was so.. Quiet you could hear his foot steps. I open my eyes, yawning softly. "... " he looked down at me slightly, "glad you're awake killer" he said, opening my room door.

I just looked at him, looking into his eyes. They felt safe or calming. Like he's been this sweet person... Or uhm... Skeleton.. For years.

I felt like his body warmth can keep me safe and warm for as long as I needed it to be.

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