Chapter Four

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"I'm sorry breakfast is just dinner in the sunlight," Noelle said as she scooped scrambled eggs onto Thorin's plate. Thankfully he'd put on his trousers and his dark gray henley. She couldn't imagine sitting across from him when he wore only his boxers. "But I have to go shopping. I was supposed to be away this week."

"I've no complaints, Miss Noelle." He lifted his coffee cup. "And this is especially good."

She smiled. "You're the first person to actually like my coffee. My mother used to say that if you tipped the cup over and poured it out, it would hold the shape of the cup."

"This is perfect. I'll have to find it when I return."

She set down her knife. "I don't know that coffee can be found in Middle Earth."

"If it can be, I will find it." He set the cup down. "When do we return to this Central Park?"

"If we have time, we'll go after we shower and go shopping. You need socks, jeans, shirts, underwear—the works. And I have no idea how long it will all take, so we'll play it by ear."

"Play what by ear?"

"It's just a saying, Thorin. It means, we'll see what happens and if we can fit it in, we will. First things first, though, and that means a shower."


"I'll show you how to work it. It's very simple, but if you use up all my hot water, you're a dead man."

The look he offered up suggested she had insulted him. "I am not of Man, Miss Noelle. I am a dwarf."

"I realize that, but you're a male dwarf, so you're a man, in the strictest sense of the word."

"I'd rather not be associated with them, for Men cannot be trusted."

"Correct me if I'm wrong," she replied, resting her elbow on the table and her chin on her fist, "but am I of Man?"


"Are you suggesting I can't be trusted, then? I mean, we just talked about this, remember?"

With a low sigh, he sank back in his chair. "Men in general, I mean. Not each individual."

"Good answer."

He crunched bacon quietly, then reached for his coffee once more. It was his third cup and she'd begun to wonder what would happen when the caffeine hit him, then decided it was probably best if she didn't think about it at all. She'd deal with it if and when she had to and not a moment before.

"Do you want to shower while I clean up in here?"

"I wouldn't mind bathing, no."

"Okay. Come on, and I'll show you how to work the shower and get you a towel." She stood and waited for him to do the same before leading him down to the bathroom.

Her bathroom was only slightly smaller than her bedroom, which wasn't saying much, but it had a tub instead of just a shower stall and that was one of her favorite things. She took a towel from the cabinet above the toilet and set it on the edge of the sink.

"Left is hot and right is cold and be careful," she warned him, as she turned both taps and adjusted them, "because the hot water is really hot."

While she talked, steam slowly billowed up above the bright blue shower curtain festooned with colorful fish and dolphins. She pulled back to find him whisking his shirt over his head. "You can wait until I'm gone to undress."

He smiled. "You have nothing to fear, Miss Noelle. I'll not remove my trousers until you take your leave. I have no desire to embarrass you more than I already have."

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