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"The castle of Cawdor was built in the fifteenth century and to this day remains the seat of the earl of Cawdor," the tour guide intoned as Suzy and several other sightseers toured the famous landmark. "In Williams Shakespeare's Macbeth, the castle plays an important role. Macbeth becomes the thane of Cawdor..."

For the first few days of Suzy's visit to Scotland, she'd been content to explore on her own. The tours, however, helped fill in the bits and pieces of history she might otherwise have missed.

The castle of Cawdor was in northeastern Scotland. The next day, she planned to rent a car and take a zigzag route toward Edinburgh, the political heart of Scotland. From what she'd read, Edinburgh Castle was an ancient fortress, built on a huge rock, that dominated the city's skyline. Halabeoji had booked reservations for her at an inn on the outskirts of town.

The Ashgrove Inn, with its dark-green-tiled roof and black-trimmed gables, had all the charm she'd expected, and more. Suzy's room offered more character than comfort, but she felt its welcome as if she were visiting an old friend. A vase filled with fresh flowers and dainty jars of bath salts awaited her.

Eager to explore, she walked outside to investigate the extensive garden. There was a chill in the April air and she tucked her hands in her pockets, watching with amusement as the partridges fed on the lush green lawn.


At the sound of her name, she turned, and to her shock discovered Joohyuk standing not more than ten feet away. "What are you doing here?" demanded.

"Me? I was about to ask you the same question."

"I'm on vacation. Halabeoji gave me the trip as a gift."

"I'm here on business," Joohyuk explained, and his brow furrowed in a suspicion frown.

Suzy was doing her own share of frowning. "This is all rather convenient, don't you think?"

Joohyuk took immediate offense. "You don't believe I planned this, do you?"

"No," she agreed reluctantly.

Joohyuk continued to stand there, stiff and wary. "I had absolutely nothing to do with this," he said.

"If you hadn't been so rude to me the last time we met," she felt obliged to inform him, with a righteous tilt to her chin, "you'd have known well in advance that Halabeoji was sending me here, and we could have avoided this unpleasant shock."

"If you hadn't been in such an all-fired hurry to leave me office, you'd have discovered I was traveling here myself."

"Oh, that's perfect! Go ahead and blame me for everything," she yelled. "As I recall, you were furious at my being anywhere near your precious office."

"All right, I'' admit I might have handled the situation poorly," Joohyuk said, and the muscles in his jaw hardened. "But as you'll also recall, I did apologize."

"Sure you did," she said, "after you'd trampled all over my ego. I've never felt like more of a fool in my life."

"You?" Joohyuk shouted. "It may surprise you to know that I don't have a habit to hiding women in my office."

"Do you think I enjoyed being stuffed in that... closet like a bag of dirty laundry?"

"What was I supposed to do? Hide you under my desk?"

"It might've been better than a pitch-black closet."

"If you're so keen on casting blame, let me remind you I wasn't the one who left my purse in full view of your grandfather," Joohyuk said. "I did everything but perform card tricks to draw his attention away from it."

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