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"Her name was Maria."

"Maria," Suzy repeated the name as though she'd never heard it before.

"We met in Europe when I was on assignment with the armed forces. She spoke five languages fluently and helped me learn my way around around of them in the time we worked together."

"She was in the military with you?"

"I was army. she worked for the secret service. We were thrown together for a top-secret project that was only supposed to last a few days and instead dragged on for weeks."

"This was when you fell in love with her?" The ache inside her chest wouldn't go away. Her heart felt weighed down with the pain.

"We both were aware that the assignment was a dangerous one, and our working closely together was essential." He paused, sighing deeply. "To make a long story short, I fell in love with her. But she didn't love me."

"Then what?"

"I wanted her to leave the secret service and marry me. She wasn't interested. If you insist on knowing the details, I'll give them to you."


Joohyuk took a sip of his wine. "I left the army soon after that. I didn't have the heart for it anymore. Unlike Maria—her work, with all its risks, was her whole life. She was the bravest and most dedicated woman I've ever known. Although it was painful at the time, she was right to turn down my proposal. Marriage and a family would have bored her within a year. It was painful, don't misunderstand me. I loved her more than I thought possible."

They both were silent for a moment, then Suzy asked, "What did you do once you left the army?"

"Over the years. I'd managed to put aside some money, make a few investments. Once I was on my own, I decided to go into business for myself. I read everything I could get my hands on about the business-supply field and modeled the way I dealt with my clients and accounts after your grandfather's enterprise. Within five years, I was his major competitor. We met at a conference last year, and decided that instead of competing with each other, we'd join forces. And as they say, the rest is history."

"Was she pretty?" Even as she asked the question, Suzy knew it was ridiculous. What difference would it make if his Maria was a former Miss America or had a face like a gorilla? None. Joohyuk had loved Maria. Loved her as he'd probably never love again. Loved her more than he'd thought possible. By comparison, what he felt for her, Suzy, was indeed only fondness.

"She was a typical American woman and, yes, she was beautiful."

Suzy made a feeble attempt at a smile. "Somehow I knew that."

Joohyuk shook himself lightly as if dragging himself back to the present and away from the powerful lure of the past. "You don't need to worry. It was a long time ago."

"I wasn't worried," Suzy muttered. She got to her feet and collected their wineglasses. "I'm a little tired. If you don't mind, I'll head to head bed now."

Joohyuk was still staring into the fire and Suzy doubted he'd even heard her. She didn't need a crystal ball to know he was thinking of the beautiful Maria.

No more than ten minutes after she'd turn off her bedroom light, Suzy heard Joohyuk move down the hallway to his room. For a moment she thought he'd hesitated in front of her door, but Suzy convinced herself that was just a wishful thinking.

From the second Joohyuk had told her about the one great love of his life, Suzy had felt as if a lump were building inside her. A huge lump of disillusionment that seemed to be located somewhere between her heart and her stomach. With every breath she took, it grew larger. But why should she care about Maria? Joohyuk had never confessed to any deep feeling for her. He hadn't cheated Suzy out of anything that was her right.

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