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"Joohyuk, I'm fine," Suzy whispered. Emotion clogged her throat at the hungry way his eyes roamed her face. He seemed to have difficulty believing , even now, that she was unhurt.

"It was so real," he continued, his chest heaving. He hid his face as if to block out the vivid images the dream had induced. Making room in the large bed, he pulled her down beside him. His hand stroked her hair as he released several jagged breaths. "We were at the ocean," he told her, "and although I'd warned you against to, you decided to swim. A huge wave knocked you off your feet and you were drowning. Heaven help me, I tried, but I couldn't get to you fast enough." He shut his eyes briefly. "You kept calling out to me and I couldn't find you. I just couldn't get to you fast enough."

"Joohyuk," she whispered, her mouth so close to his that their breath mingled, "I'm right here. It was only a dream. It wasn't real."

He nodded, but his eyes still seemed troubled, refusing to leave her face. Then ever so slowly, as thought he expected her object, he moved his mouth even closer to hers. "I couldn't bear to lose you. I'd rather die myself."

Helpless to deny him anything, Suzy turned her face to received his kiss.

His hands tangled in her thick dark hair, effectively holding her captive, while his mouth seized hers in a kiss that sent her senses swirling. nothing mattered except his touch. Overcome for a moment by the fierce tenderness she felt in him, Suzy eagerly fed his need.

"Suzy, oh, my dear Suzy. I couldn't bear to lose you."

"I'm here... I'm here." Melting against him, she molded her body to the unyielding contours of his, offering her lips and her heart to his loving possession. Again and again, he kissed her. Suzy slid her hands up his chest and twined them around his neck. This was what she'd longed for from the first, the knowledge that he needed her, and she gloried in the sensation.

With a groan, he reluctantly pulled his mouth from hers. He held her firmly to his chest, his breathing harsh and rapid. Peace combined with a delirious sense of happiness, and Suzy released a deep sigh. Pressing her ear to his chest, she listened, content, to the heavy pounding of his heart.

"Did I scared you?" he asked after a minute.

"No," she whispered.

He resumed stroking her hair as she nestled more securely in his arms. Joohyuk had made her feel wondrous, exciting things every time he kissed her, but the way he held and touch her now went far beyond those kisses. She'd experience a bonding with Joohyuk, a true joining of spirits that had been missing until now. He had told her he'd cherish her, but she hadn't believe it until this moment. Tears clouded her eyes and she struggled to restrain them.

For a long while neither of them spoke. But Suzy didn't need words. Her eyes were closed as she savored this precious time.

When Joohyuk did speak, his voice was little more than a hoarse whisper. "I had a sister who drowned. Her name was Julie. I'd promised I'd always be there for her—but I failed her. I couldn't bear to lose you, too."

Suzy tightened her hold, knowing how difficult it must be for him to speak of his sister.

"I never forgave myself." His body tensed and his fingers dug roughly into her shoulder. "Losing Julie still haunts me. She wouldn't have drowned if I'd been with her. She—"

Lifting her head slightly, Suzy's misty gaze met his. "It wasn't your fault. How could it have been?"

"But I was responsible for her," he returned harshly.

Suzy suspected that Joohyuk had rarely, if ever, shared his sorrow or his guilt over his sister's death with anyone. A low groan worked its way through him and he squeezed his eyes tightly shut. "For years, I've drummed out the memories of Julie's death. The nightmare was so real, only this time it wasn't her—it was you."

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