She Fuckin' Hates Me - Part 3

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Dee and y/n had spent a few meetings working on their project, some at y/n's house, some at Dee's. As predicted, there'd been plenty of arguments, both trying to be the best and take the lead. But in the end, they both had to admit that the other had some pretty cool ideas, and they're presentation was shaping up to be a pretty damn good one. 

But they're not actually going to admit that, obviously. And the arguments just kept coming. Neither would swallow their pride long enough to give good credit to the other - even when they knew they deserved it.

Sometimes one of them would come close to complimenting the other, having to build it up in their head first... then the other would ruin the moment with an asshole-ish remark, and they'd wonder why they ever thought to say something nice in the first place.

Then, something happened, and that changed. That caused their dynamic to change. That kinda made everything change, it seems.

It was a very slow build up. And it started with a text message.
Dee was up late, and an epiphany struck him about their project. It was a brilliant idea, really. He could've waited to bring up the idea in person, and played it cool, but he was actually quite proud of himself, and decided to text y/n at 12:04 at night instead.

They didn't reply that night. Dee checked once again, and when he saw no reply, gave up and went to sleep - they were probably sleeping too.

The next morning, Dee woke up to see no reply, still. It was a Sunday, they were probably sleeping in late.

It was mid way through the day when Dee really began to get annoyed. Why weren't they answering him? He knew they didn't get along, but this was strictly work-related, and they could at least begrudgingly work together for the sake of their grade.

They haven't been this petty before, but surely after so many hours, they would've seen his message. But why are they ignoring him?! Maybe he pissed them off somehow? But what could he have said that's worse than what he says already? ...And that warrants ignoring the project that they care about just as much as he does? He just can't figure them out! Maybe that's why they frustrate him so much.

Everyone in the household was beginning to notice Dee's growing temper, and thin-wearing patience. While Glam decided to give Dee space, letting Dee come to him if he so wished, Heavy decided to constantly badger Dee, wondering what was bugging him so much. Victoria was curious on the inside, but didn't want to seem mushy, so decided to call on him each time he lashed out, but not push on the subject - he'd tell her if he wanted to.

But Dee kept it to himself. He didn't want to appear like he cared about y/n's opinion. He doesn't. He just wants to get on with the stupid project. But they could at least show him they've read it! Even if they just say they'll discuss it in person, they should at least acknowledge it! But, y'know, it doesn't matter anyway. Who cares what they think?

Then Dee had another epiphany. What his message to them was a bad idea? What if it was stupid? What if they saw it, laughed at it, and decided to wait so they can laugh in his face? He read over the message again, and again, having thought this, and although he couldn't see any flaws in his theory, his insecurities and doubts were still there. What if it was something so dumb and obvious, he kept missing it?

It was then that the rest of his family became uneasy too. Dee was many things, confident being one of them. It was in his nature to be a bitchy teenager, so they weren't too bothered before, but now... now, Dee seemed anxious, and that didn't happen often. Glam and Victoria decided, if he didn't talk to them soon, they'd bring it up, make sure he's ok.

He didn't talk to them, naturally.
After dinner, Dee started to get up and leave, as per usual, with it being Heavy's turn to wash the dishes.

"Dee," Glam called, and Dee glanced back, "can you sit back down for a moment please, your mother and I were hoping to have a word." Dee groaned dramatically, but sat down anyway.

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