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A shiver went down Charis's spine. "Is it cold for you?" He asked Lillian whom was sitting next to them on the couch with Masha. "A little." She nodded. Charis stood up and walked over to the fireplace. Lillian followed. They struck a match and tossed it in the fireplace. It burst into flames.
Lillian flinched.
Charis was tempted to lean down and light one of their cigarettes, but deciding against it. They saw Lillian flinch and hurried over. "Hey hey it's not gonna hurt you. I promise there's nothing to be afraid of." He sat next to her in front of the fire. "It is not?" Lillian confirmed. "No, it won't." He soothed. "It's just warm." He nodded. Lillian looked back at the fire. Leaning to touch it.
Charis caught her hand. Clutching it and intertwining their fingers. "Don't!" They exclaimed. Lillian squeaked. "Don't...touch it. It's hot. Itll hurt if you touch it."
"Okay..." Lillian nodded, humiliated. They sighed softly. Glad she understood. Unconsciously, they pulled her hand closer to feel his heartbeat. Thudding rather fast. Lillian moved closer to him so her arm wouldn't be stretched. Putting them shoulder to shoulder. "Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you, you?" He asked.
"The Fire is good idea. Very smart." Lillian complimented. Folding her dummy thick legs in front of her, and leaning them on Charis's. Squishing her thigh together unknowingly. Charis let her lean on him. He hummed in agreement. Lillian relaxed her shoulders, and fully leaned on Charis. Lillian and him watched the fire peacefully.

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