Running from the past pt.1

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Heather's pov:

I grabbed a bag and started packing, throwing my clothes in haphazardly.

I should've left long ago. Why didn't I? She's abusive, she's controlling, she's everything i dont want in a partner. I can't take this anymore. It started with my drinking, and now this. This...

What even is this?

I feel sick to my stomach as I take the ring off my finger. I feel like I'm going to puke. I can't take one more night of this, I'll go insane if she yells at me one more time.
Veronica was always perfect. For them, but never for me. She was never perfect for me. She never fit the way I needed-...

The way I wanted her too, she sticks out like a black eye.
Everyone forced us to be together, made things look nice. On paper we looked perfect for each other, but behind closed doors I've discovered the urge to throw myself out a window is prominent. I tried to make changes to fit her, less drinking, more reading. Less parties, more lonely nights at home.

I can't take it. The things I love are now the things I loathe, I can't stand poetry, I can't stand writing.

Everything I loved about being in the Heathers is now just another thing I hate. I hate it.

There I said it.

I hate it with every fiber in my being.

She ruined it, she ruined it for me. It's my own name, and she ruined it.

I'll change my name and move to Seattle, anywhere but here. My feet move on their own as I collect my belongings. She forced me into this house, with these... people. And I hate it.

I hate living here, I hate having to be here, and I've been too scared to leave. Today was the last straw. I'm tired of her yelling, I'm tired of the abuse.

Everyone says I should break up with her. But I can't. So I'm running.

Isn't that pathetic?

I cant even grow the balls to break up with her. I'm backing my bags, leaving in the middle of the day.

She and her friends will come back to an empty house with my few belongings gone. I tried to write a note, but I couldn't. I kept messing up and then I'd just look like a whiny bitch.

They all think I'm an asshole anyways. They all side with her. Even if I'm right. I'm out numbered 7 to 1.

No one backs me up. No one even tries to defend me when she yells at me. They just watch.

And then when I sulk in my room away from them, they start patting her on the back and tell her how sorry they are for her, how I'm horrible, how I'm the bitch, how I'm the toxic girlfriend, how she's the victim, how she's in the right. And I'm alone.

I take one last look around my room, my books which she never cared about, a group photo which was taken before I knew the horrors that waited for me, a sketch she drew for me that I always hated. I never had any of my personal belonging in this house. I never had my stuff in this house.

She didn't like it.

And what was allowed here was soon stuff I grew to hate. She turned the things I loved into the things I hate.
The Heathers being one of them. I hated it. Like.. everything about it, it all reminds me of her, and that's what makes me hate it.

I took a deep breath, inhaled the scent of smoke and weed and cringed.

She made me tell her when I would drink, but I was almost never allowed to know when she was getting high or what she was doing when she was high. It's all just one big lie.
I wanted to love her. But I don't. I can't.

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