Mortal Frenemies? (Chibi Snowbirds)

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Summary-Basically the Chibi episode except with Qrow pulls a trick that backfires.

Winter Schnee walked through Tuckson's Book Trade before she spotted the book she was looking for. Cold Heart, Hot Love. She glanced behind to see if anyone was watching her before she reached for the book. Then someone else grabbed the book before she did.

Winter instantly recoiled with a blush of embarrassment that someone may have saw her reaching for (ahem) adult book but then saw who it was. It was who some would call, her rival, Qrow Branwen. Qrow held the book sideways with an intrigued expression.

Winter's embarrassment died away and was replaced by anger as she pulled out her saber. "Release that book at once!" she demanded, holding the saber at the Huntsman's throat. "You probably don't even read." she taunted.

Qrow was unaffected by the Specialist's taunt. "Don't worry, you can borrow afterwards." He said before grinning. "I'll even underline all the good parts." He added with a wink.

Winter blushed before she growled and tackled Qrow, but Qrow instantly recovered and shoved her against the shelf. Winter gritted her and ran up the wall before back flipping over Qrow and knocked down the shelves in the process.


Winter felt hungry as she walked down the streets of Vale. She looked ahead and saw an elder man with a noodle cart. She walked up to the man with her hands behind her back. "I ask of noodles of a delicious nature in a timely manner." she said politely. 

The old man looked up at her before she flipped the open sign to closed. "What?! This is unacceptable!" Winter protested.

"It's a shame," Winter turned to the side and saw Qrow holding a red bowl with a large stack of bowls next to him. "You should have gotten here sooner, Ice Queen. Stan here has some good noodles."

Winter saw red before she jumped at Qrow, knocking Stan's noodle cart in process. "Welp," Stan said as he rubbed his dark sunglasses. "The sixties were good, but now I have to pay for it."

"My cabbages!" A man shouted as the two fighters knocked down a cabbage food stand.

Both Qrow and Winter sat in front of Ozpin in his office. Winter sat straight and her hands on her lap. Qrow sat in a slouch and one arm was behind his chair. "I think you'll find my report quite thorough, if disturbing." Winter said to Ozpin, glancing at Qrow briefly. "I spared no grisly detail."

"Rampant bookstore chaos," Ozpin read from the report in his hands. "And noodle related mayhem?" he asked, adjusting his glasses. "And knocking down a man's cabbage stand."

Qrow pulled a noodle out of his ear. "Yeah, it got pretty wild towards the end." He said as Winter grimaced at the sight. "Oh right, are you still hungry?" he asked. "It's the last one."

Ozpin shook his head. "Shameful, just shameful." He commented. 

Winter looked at the headmaster with wide eyes and a smile. "I couldn't agree more." She said before she stood up. "I propose a leash and random electric shocks to modify his behavior." 

"So, you into that huh?" Qrow asked in response. "Kinky. ~"

Winter's eyes widened before she shook her head. "That's-I'm not-" She stammered.

Ozpin cleared his throat. "I'm referring to the time and energy you two waste fighting each other." he said sternly. "You do realize that you two are on the same side, correct?"

"I... I suppose," Winter shrugged. "Technically."

Qrow looked to the side. "Whatever."


The Huntsman held his hands up in surrender. "Okay fine. Go~ team!" He said before crossing his arms. "Can I leave now?"

"I want you two to shake hands and apologize." Ozpin ordered.

"I will if she will." Qrow stated, holding a hand out to Winter. Winter looked nervous before holding her arms behind her back. "Due to my professionalism and incredible self control," Winter said. "I'm willing to let bygones be bygones." 

She grabbed Qrow's hand and then Qrow kissed her on the lips faster than she could react. "There. We kissed and made up." Qrow said as if nothing happened. "Can I leave now?" he asked Ozpin.

"T-That does it!" Winter stammered. "YOU'RE DEAD MEAT!" She conjured up a glyph that launched her into the air, saber drawn.

Qrow turned to Ozpin. "So much for letting bygones be bygones," he said before he disappeared in a cloud of dust.

"You know," Ozpin stated. "Flirting was a lot less destructive in my day. At least Qrow finally manned up and kissed the girl."

"Hey! Watch the hair!" Qrow snapped.

"Oh, like it's going to make much of a difference." Winter retorted.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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