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Capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and etc. They are NOT style choice people use just to make them look better. They are necessary. Consider them like oxygen for your book, novel, story, or whatever you want to call it.

They not only make you look smarter when you take the time to use them correctly but also help you get serious readers.

I've read lots of rubbish on here that many would consider lazy work. (Authors don't follow any grammar rules. They think their work is "good" though because they add foul language or mature scenes but that doesn't make it any better.

I'm not here to trash other writers being I'm not the best at grammar myself and rely on readers pointing out my mistakes or the free version of Grammarly. 

Authors if someone makes grammar suggestions don't take offense to it. It's one of the main ways we improve as authors, storytellers, novelists, or whatever you want to call yourself. Especially since most of the time, they aren't trying to be rude about it.

Readers if you spot a grammar mistake don't be afraid to point it out. Just be sure you do it kindly being there's lots of snowflakes out there. Most people who take wring serious don't mind being they want to get better at their craft. Be careful though there are some proud people out there who will get offended even if you said it as nice as possible.

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