Chapter 14

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Hey everyone. It's me again. This marks the last chapter of the Triple Relay, and such, I decided to leave a little/big surprise. For IC fans out there, this for you. Now, onto the show. :)

When Saphira is talking in thought: 'eragon'

When they are talking in thought: ' '

When Braydën is talking in thought: 'eragon'

~•~In Essos~•~

Daenerys was staring from her place at the balcony of the home of Magistrate Illyrio, looking out towards the Free City of Pentos. She was admiring the city's beauty while also reminiscing in the thought of wanting to go home to the house with the Red Door. She knew that it will never happen, but she always hoped.

Her thoughts were disturbed when she heard foot steps behind her. She turned her head noticed her brother Viserys Targeryen walking forward with a dress of fine silk in his hands.

"Dany, come look at the silk of the dress the Illyrio has gifted for you." She turned to him and walked towards him. When she stopped in front of him as he held his arms out in front of him. She raised her hand and ran it down the silk, feeling it as it ran under her fingers.

"It is beautiful." She then looked at him. "We've been his guests for awhile now and he hasn't asked of us yet." He nodded. "Illyrio knows that he will get what is promised to him when I get my crown and become the rightful king of Westeros."

He then turned to his left and handed the dress to a servant, who took the dress and stored it away as he turned back at her and began examining her. He took the straps of her dress and slid them off her shoulders, causing the dress to fall off, revealing all of her body to him. He ran a hand down the side of her body all the way up to her breast before speaking.

"I need you to be perfect today, Daenerys." She knew why he asked this of her. She was to be a present to the horse Lord of the Dothraki, a fierce man by the name of Khal Drogo. Magistrate Illyrio orchestrated the deal by sending the offer to the Khal on Veserys behalf in exchange for the use of the Horde of the Dothraki. She was to become the Khaleesi of the Dothraki as his wife.

She knew in her heart that her brother didn't care about her. All he cared about is becoming King of Westeros. She knew that he would do anything to get it. She sighed as she looked down.

"I want to go home. I don't want this." He shook his head as he grabbed the back of her head, causing her took at him. "Your place is where I tell you. You will be the Khal's Broodmare and I'll get my army."

He let go and backed up. "You will listen to me Daenerys. You don't want to wake the Dragon." He turned around and walked away as Daenerys turned around and got into the luxurious bath that was prepared for her. The handmaiden then let out a gasp as steam appeared around Daenerys.

"Milady, the water isn't cool enough. You'll burn yourself." Daenerys just ignored her as she sunk further in. "It's fine." She of used her eyes as she sat there, thinking about her future from that point on.

Unbeknownst to her and her brother, not far from the estate, a cloaked figure was watching in hiding. The figure had been watching from a distance for a while now. The figure saw the sadness in the young Dragon Girl. "Daenerys Targeryen. You will be used for others' desires. I will make sure of it." The figure turned and around walked away.


The Cloaked figure stood on a hill, undercover of a lone tree, watching as a group of Dothraki horsemen make their way into Pentos to meet with the Magistrate and Viserys, using a spell to enhance his eyesight. He then heard a deep voice in his thoughts.

'Little one, what are you intending to do?' The cloaked figure continued to watch as the Khal and his khalasar made their way to Pentos. 'I've seen the sadness in the girl's eyes. I will not allow her to be treated as a broodmare for a vile man. I've seen what it does to people like her.'

The voice returned in his head as the voice spoke. 'Little one.' The figure looked up before returning his gaze to the khalasar. 'Thorn, I know you're worried about me. We've been in this world for months now. We've learn much in that time. I still wonder about the others. Normally I wouldn't care about situations like this. However, Daenerys Targeryen reminds me on my younger self. Being at the mercy of others, unable to do as he wished and instead having to follow other's orders. I won't allow another to be forced into a situation such as this.'

Thorn sent a wave of calming emotion through the link. 'What are you going to do then?' The figure placed his hand on his sword. He looked at the familiar red blade, to which it seems to glow in the light. 'From what I've learned about the Dothraki, they follow strength of the Khal and that the strong rule over the weak.'

He sat down and began the procedure of meditating before he spoke again. 'At Dusk, we attack. I will challenge this Khal Drogo. You will be there to ensure that no one interferes.' He looked up and saw a black shadow high in the sky, knowing what it is. 'Very well little one. Tonight, blood will flow like a river.'


Sometime later on in the evening, shortly as the sun set and darkness settle over the Dothraki camp, Khal Drogo sat  on his makeshift seat, surrounded by his Bloodriders as he oversees his Khalasar. He watched as some do their chores such as cleaning or cooking or just plain celebrating random things. He thought about the girl he met today in that tiny and scared city of Pentos that will be his wife tomorrow. He relished in the thoughts of defiling that beauty over and over again. Such thoughts made wish it was already so, but he was willing to wait.

He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a loud explosion. He looked up and saw an explosion at the northern edge of the camp. He swiftly stood to his feet as another explosion shook the camp at the southern edge of camp as the khalasar rushed about, trying to find the source of the explosions while also trying to put out the flames.

He saw a Dothraki horsemen rush to him. "Khal Drogo, something's attacking the camp." Drogo just scoffed as he pushed the man away. "I know that idiot." He then saw a Dothraki woman rush to him. "Khal Drogo, scouts have spotted a man in cloak walking towards the Khalasar. He's been slaughtering anyone who approaches him."

Drogo snarled at her answer. "How dare someone attack my Khalasar. Lead the way." The woman nodded as she lead him to the edge of camp. As he got there, he was welcomed to a horrifying sight. A man stood there with a red sword to which looked to be glowing as blood fell from its blade. Behind the man was several bodies of fallen khalasar. Drogo watched a Dothraki man rushed the cloaked figure screeching all the way. The man never made it as the cloaked man raised his hand to which began glowing. A sphere of red energy shot forward and hit the man. As it did, the man exploded, blood spraying everywhere.

The event startled everyone who saw it. Even the Khal. Drogo then let out a roar of rage. Speaking in perfect Dothraki, Drogo yelled. "How dare you attack my Khalasar, Sorcerer! I'll rip out you spine." The man then looked at him and startled him when he also spoke in perfect Dothraki.

"Khal Drogo, I Murtagh Morzanson challenge you in single combat for control of the Khalasar. Unless you're a coward." The Khal let out a roar of rage. "I will have your head boy."

He stopped when felt it. The winds began to pick up. At first he thought it was the Sorcerer, but he felt it again. It felt like wing beats. Then he heard it. A loud, piercing roar as he looked up and saw a sight that will be the last horrifying sight he will ever see.

A large red Dragon flew over head before landing next to the Sorcerer, who petted it's head. He looked behind him and saw that the khalasar was petrified. He looked back as the man took off his cloak, revealing himself to be in red armor. "No. I don't think you will Khal Drogo." Murtagh said as he held out his sword to one side. He stepped forward.

"I don't think you will at all."

And that's it. The Triple Relay is done. I hoped you guys liked them. As for my fellow IC fans, I hope that you liked that I brought Murtagh into this. Anyways, until next time. :)-weeksjmj

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