Chapter Five

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Skylar's Perspective
Aunt Rose sat beside me and King Edward sat across from me by their three servants.
   The next three days we traveled through the Northern Mountains pass. There were constantly bumps along the rocky stretch. My back ached. I rubbed my shoulders as discreetly as I could. I didn't want anyone to judge me. I stared out the carriage window at the cold snowy mountains. My neck felt a cold shock of pain as if I had craned it. I moved my hand to my neck. My cold hands gave me temporary relief. I sighed in relaxation. Aunt Rose went on and on about how happy she was to be travelling again. The servants just nodded along to every word she said. I was cold even beneath the layers of wool I wore. Her words fell deaf on my ears. I began to worry again about how I would escape this predicament. I feared he would want to marry me because I looked just like Luna.
   When we got there I headed for the courtyard. I hurried along staring down at my shoes. I almost ran into Prince James' younger brother. His name was Prince Bruce and he was sixteen years old. He caught me by my arm, steadied me, and smiled at me when he recognized me. He had been walking with his two dogs and another prince. The prince had long black hair and kind brown eyes.
   "Hello, Princess Skylar," Bruce introduced us with a loud laugh, "This is Prince Charming, definitely not the fairy tale one."
    "Holy shit you look like Luna!" Charming said.
    "I'm her twin sister." I said stiffly.
    "Charming, we can't talk about that shit." Bruce said.
   Charming made a noise of protest. Bruce socked him in the side. I winced. These princes were foul mouthed and unruly. Charming pushed Bruce back. The dogs were riled up and jumped around. Chaos took over the courtyard. As Bruce and Charming squared off the dogs barked and snapped. I stood frozen until King Edward clapped his hands together. The dogs galloped up to him. Bruce cheekily pushed Charming away from him. Edward cleared his throat and gave them a stern look. I thanked my uncle with a smile.
"You boys better get going. We're here for a nice dinner." Edward ordered.
"Well it was nice to see you again, Princess Skylar. Prince Charming and I are going hunting." Bruce said.
   I watched them take off through the courtyard. I felt like I would have given anything to be on a date with one of the sixteen year olds instead of James. Anyone but James. I would be reminded of Luna, just by looking at him. Of course he probably wasn't thrilled either. I had the exact same face as Luna. I wondered if it would hurt him too. I groaned out loud. Why did Charming have to blatantly remind me?
   "What's the matter dear?" Rose asked as she walked up to me.
   She walked like any royal should. Her shoulders were back and her head was held high. Her right eyebrow arched up as she studied my sad expression. I wanted to scream.
   "We should be here to visit Luna and her husband James," I mumbled. "I should not be coming to have dinner with him."
   Aunt Rose hugged me. I felt awkward and shocked. We weren't supposed to hug. Then she straightened my shoulders and her green eyes hardened.
   "You're going to be alright. It's one dinner, you're not being forced to marry him," she retorted. "It's for the good of your kingdom. Sometimes, we have to do things that are hard for us. It was agreed that it would be good for you to come tonight and you have to see it through."
    "Father says I shall marry James though." I replied suddenly.
    "Do you always do what your father tells you? News travels quickly. One date and you'll have a flock of suitors after you!" She responded.
   Aunt Rose turned and I swore I saw a flash of blue amidst her golden locks. I blinked twice and it was gone. I shook my head and hurried after her. I must be having a headache, I thought to myself.
    My uncle greeted the guards at the gates to the castle. The huge wooden door swung open with a loud creak. I stepped inside behind my aunt and uncle. The overwhelmingly red interior made my head feel dizzy. I spotted a pale man, who I immediately recognized as King Earl. He was wearing his finest suit with his chest puffed out. His fingers ruffled his white frills, as if to show off.
   "Welcome to our castle! We are so happy to have you here, Rose and Edward."  King Earl announced as we walked in.
     I curtsied. Earl turned whiter than a ghost. I straightened myself awkwardly in the silence. I already regretted visiting here.
"Hello Princess Skylar- ah- a face I haven't seen in a while." He said loudly. "It's lovely to see you again!"
   I blushed and looked at my hands. I did feel bad and embarrassed. I had stopped coming here. Not that I missed the cold snowy region after Luna had left. I had shut myself away in my castle. I must've had a sad look on my face because he spoke to me again.
   "You haven't been here for years, Princess Skylar." He said.
   "Always a pleasure to see you, Princess Skylar." Queen Elizabeth called to me as she climbed down her staircase.
    Her blond hair was pulled back in a net. She wore a bright purple dress embroidered with gold flowers. As she walked a beautiful train flowed behind her. Elizabeth's lips weaved into a friendly smile. I felt more at ease for a second. Then Prince James appeared silently in the doorway behind Earl. I knew the old wooden passageway well. It was the entrance to the Great Hall. Memories of being here with Luna flooded my mind. James' face looked grim as his blue eyes locked with mine. He looked as bad as I felt. I suddenly hoped that I didn't look half as bad as he did. I forced a tight smile on my face as I walked with Prince James. He didn't speak. I wandered behind as he led me into the Great Hall. He pulled out a chair for me and I sat down. He took the chair next to me. Oh great, I have to sit beside Prince James during this whole ordeal, I complained in my head.
   "Such a lovely castle, Queen Elizabeth," Aunt Rose admired politely, "The angel is a really great statue. Who is the stone-carver who chiseled the features? The angel was a great choice. Such lovely energy it brings in the room."
   Their voices drained into dull background conversation. I always hated how we all had to address each other by our titles each time we spoke to each other. It wasn't hard for me to keep it all straight in my head. I wondered if they would think we didn't respect them if we just called them by name. So it'd be for the best to respect them, I told myself. Then I looked at James. Prince James stared at the table with his blue eyes. His blond hair fell into his eyes. I shifted around on my red velvet chair. I fidgeted with my fingers. He rolled his blue eyes as I fidgeted even more. How dare he roll his eyes at me! My snarky thoughts rang through my head. I heard a silver platter clatter to the floor. My head snapped to the direction of the noise. It was the two other princes. They had arrived uninvited. Bruce and Charming stood laughing as a servant scraped up the spilled food.
   "Bruce, what are you two doing here? You're supposed to be out hunting." Earl said sternly.
    "It's not good weather. We don't want to be cold all day. We'd rather be somewhere warm, like here, with my family." Bruce shot back.
   "Fine. Fine. No talking." Earl replied.
   "So, how is the hunting lately, King Earl?" Uncle Edward asked.
    "This season it's been great! I've caught quite a few ten point bucks! Prince Bruce has shown himself as a young master as well this year. He always comes back with an animal! Quail, turkey, bucks, wolves, you name it, he can kill it!" Earl boasted.
     "You must be a proud father!" Rose remarked with a smile.
    "Oh I am proud of Prince Bruce." He smiled fondly.
    "What about James?" Prince Charming interjected.
    I gasped. It was uncommon to interrupt the elite when they were speaking. This whole ordeal was turning out to be quite strange. Bruce laughed behind a napkin. The younger princes had no concern for tradition. King Earl pounded his big beefy fists against the dining table.
    "I would be if only James would talk to his date! This is your courtship!"     
    He turned to his eldest son. King Earl pounded his fists against the table again. Prince James lifted his head. His eyes had a wet look as if he were about to cry. I didn't think princes were allowed to cry. He opened his mouth to speak. Though I burst out before him. He hasn't spoken all night, I thought, I deserve to speak my mind first.
   "You're not the only one who misses her! I miss Luna too." I cried out. "It's been two years, but she'll come back! I miss her every single day!"
   Tears spilled down my face. Surprise widened in Rose's eyes. Prince James looked away from my crying face. Silence fell over the table. Uncle Edward stuffed his face full of baked potatoes. Elizabeth cleared her throat. King Earl stared at me with a huge frown on his face.
    "Your twin is alive! She's a hero! She's a warrior!" Charming cried out.
    "He's insane! He's a liar!" Earl shouted. "He's drunk!"
    Earl's face turned beet red. Charming's brown eyes went wide as if they were about to pop out of his head. He threw his chair back as he stood up. Earl began screaming at him. I threw my hands up.
    "You are insane, Prince Charming! My sister is a princess!" I shrieked.
   "She was a princess!" He called back.
   "That's a conspiracy! She's really dead! Stop lying Charming!" Earl shouted.
   Two guards rushed Charming's sides. Charming drew his sword upon them. In sync they drew their weapons in return. Guards charged his right side and then his left side. The guards' swords clanged against Charming's single sword. James grabbed me by my arm and pulled me up. I stared at the fight as I was being swept away. Earl stomped his way over towards Charming.
    "We're sending you back to Raylin Kingdom immediately! I've had enough of your tyranny!" He roared at Charming.
    "I don't care if I get kicked out of this whole kingdom for eternity! I'm telling the truth Luna is alive!"
    "Sedate him! He's gone off the rails again!" Earl yelled.
    "Sedate me? I'm already drunk as fuck!" Charming roared back, "I don't respect any of you! You better back up!"
     James tugged on my arm again. I followed him clumsily. My body shook from all the commotion. I heard the sounds of metal clanging together as we rushed down the hallway. I wondered if Charming was telling the truth? And if so, why did Earl want to suppress it?
     "James, where did my aunt and uncle go?" I asked as I stopped to catch my breath.
    "A guard showed them to their bed chambers. Mother told me to show you to yours for the night. I'm really sorry about Charming. He believes in a conspiracy theory." He said.
     "What do you mean? There's a conspiracy theory about Luna?"
     "Yes. It's silly honestly. The commoners across the lands of Maia want to make Luna a legend. They say she's helping the poor people. She's like a Robinhood they say." He tried to laugh it off.
     "James. She left me a letter. Charming might be right." I said.
    His body jerked as if a jolt of electricity shot through him. He stared at me for a long time. Silence shook between us. I knew we both had hope.
     "Do you have the letter on you?" He asked.
     "No." I answered. "I didn't think it would mean anything. I can show you if you visit my kingdom if you'd like."
     "I'd like that very much." He said. "Now let me show you to your room."
    He held my hand delicately as if I were a fragile flower. Within a few seconds I could feel how sweaty his palm was. I wished I could withdraw my hand from him. I tried my best to ignore it. The news about Luna left me feeling as if I were floating. Maybe James and I could find Luna. I mused to myself. I couldn't believe that someone else believed Luna was alive. I glanced behind me down the hallway and wondered if Prince Charming was alright. I wished I could've asked him more.
   James led me upstairs to the guest wing and found my guest bedchamber. My bags were already put right next to the gold four poster bed. Everything was exactly the same as it was years ago. Of course they kept the guest rooms the same for every guest, but it reminded me of staying here with Luna. We stood in silence as I admired the room. James wiped his hands on his pants. His hair covered his eyes again. I looked away from him.
    "Alright. So I showed you to your room. Good night." He said curtly.
    He left abruptly. I almost called good night after him, but decided against it. What was the use trying to be cordial? It obviously wasn't going to work out between us. I sighed. I wished he could've at least pretended to be interested in me as a person. I dove underneath the silk sheets. I stared up at the banner. There it was, the emblem of two mountains with a shining crown in between. I always thought that the crown would be Luna's one day. Maybe it still could be. I wondered where Luna could be.
   In the morning Prince James offered to ride home with me. Aunt Rose and Uncle Edward had already sent their servants packing the carriage. They needed to go back to their castle in the Frelden Kingdom. I felt a little jaded that they were abandoning me. I knew that the Northerns family were my father's closest allies, but I didn't want to be left alone with them after last night's ordeal.
   "You sure James?" Prince Charming asked, "You're leaving early? Prince Bruce and I could travel back with you, Princess Skylar."
   "No, no." Prince James insisted, "You and my brother are supposed to be having a hunting week. I can escort a princess."
   "Thanks for the offer, Charming." I said politely, "That's very charming of you to offer. I thought they kicked you out last night."
    "Nobody can ever get rid of me." He smiled.
   "Anything he says he's a liar!" King Earl shouted after us.
    Earl stomped his way closer to us. I feared Earl's angry presence. Charming's mouth clamped shut. James led me to his two horses.
"James! Just take Princess Skylar home now!" Earl ordered.
Another knight marched up to Charming. Charming drew his blade out again. I stared as they clanged their swords against each other. Charming advanced towards the knight as he ripped his shirt off. Bruce ran up on the knight. They clashed their swords. They twisted and swung around each other. Their blades were stuck. They stood at a stand still. They swiped their blades at each other. Charming sliced the knight's shoulder. He swung his sword over his head. The knight jumped forward and grabbed his neck. He started choking Charming out. They wrestled to the floor. I felt as if my eyes might pop out of my brain. I had never seen someone so wild in my life. I feared for his safety. I still wondered if he spoke the truth or not. Could Luna be alive? Could she be a warrior? I tried to imagine her with a sword like him, but I couldn't. James grabbed me by the arm and pulled me onto his horse. We left amongst the screaming match.
   I ended up sharing the saddle with James on his white stallion named Prince Snow. I held onto Prince James as we started off across the mountain bridge. I looked off the edge and I took in the scene of the deep canyon down below. I started having a panic attack, so I focused on looking at the snowy mountain and the nice mountain pass across the bridge. I took deep breaths to settle myself down. I told myself that the mountains looked like a beautiful painting. I told myself I was safe.
"Princess Skylar, are you sure you want to ride Prince Snow with me?" Prince James suggested,  "It's not too late to turn around and-"
    "No, it's fine." I replied quickly, "I don't want you to have three horses to take back home with you."
    My secret was that I felt secure wrapped around James. I didn't want to ride alone through the mountains. I glanced back at the second horse. It was gray. It was tied to Prince Snow. My luggage was strapped to its back. He would travel back with both of them.
   "So you really think she's out there." James murmured. "Without us."
     I almost couldn't believe that he was questioning if Luna was alive. I could feel it in my heart. She had never died. She was out there somewhere.
   "Of course she's out there. The search parties never went the right way. She's lost out there." I replied, "Don't you feel it too? I feel that she is alive. I cannot be the only one who thinks she's alive!"
   "You are not the only one. Apparently Charming believes. Sometimes I think she is still alive." Prince James responded quietly.
    For the next two days we traveled silently along the mountain pass. We only talked when we needed to eat, sleep, or go to the bathroom. I longed for Lily and Luna to be there to keep away the tension. I wondered why he was so awkward around me.
    The sun began to shine in the sky as Prince James got me back to my beloved Diamond castle. I was absolutely tired. He had cantered us a lot on the way back. He paused in the meadows to take in a few deep breaths. The view was absolutely breathtaking. It was my paradise.
     "We ought to run away. We ought to find out for ourselves if Luna's alive or not." James stated.
     "We ought to? What if we get in trouble?" I said.

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