chapter 1 Part 1

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Y/n's pov (3rd person included)
The sight of bright light coming into view was blinding.
The sound of zombie's below gave y/n sickening flash backs of her past and the relationship between her and the rotten walking carcass was brutal,
"Day 4 of being alone, once again I have not yet seen any other living things around this area" y/n whispered under her breath. Getting up she felt pain shoot up her ankle along with a melted cold water bottle poorly wrapped around and on top of that her foot was swollen like hell
"So it wasn't a dream huh, I really did trip up those nasty stairs.." bending down to see how bad it was, feeling around the purplish area of her foot.
"Gah!" Y/n gasped in pain at the lump near her cuboid bone, even the gentlest touch to that bone and it would hurt.
Undoing the bandage to redo it hurt even more than touching it.
The poorly wrapped bandage now looked like it was done by and expert, in the process y/n put a small ice pack from her old med-kit on.

"BANG!" The zombies banging on the roof door startled y/n, lucky for her survivors from the past had put a wooden plank across one building to another.
"This is going to be a challenger isn't it?" She quickly gathered her stuff and slowly but carefully crossed the plank just in time before the smelly zombies busted through the rusty door, alerting more zombies from below. Y/n pushed the wooden plank off so they couldn't get over, it landed on around 6 zombies below, they easily escape by how strong they got, those zombies were newborn zombies, you could tell by the fresh wounds and their strength.
"When can I be able to leave this stupid small town?" Y/n sadly sighed thinking about her childhood friends, almost sobbing at the memories, a gun shot
interrupted her little sad moment. Whipping her head around to where she thought it came from.

A military car.
Her eyes widened at the sight of it, was it stolen or was it actually the military?
Whatever or whoever it was she didn't care, wanting to find a nearby hiding spot quickly was the only thing on her mind except the tiny hint of curiosity of who's inside, she saw a hint of black hair while it was coming down the street towards her.
'That's definitely not the military' she thought.
'Aren't they bald?' Another thought comes into her head, forgetting her small worried thought to hide, now thinking she had actually met other survivors made her nervous. Remembering what her best friend said before he got devoured.
'Don't trust anyone.'
Kazutora. That was his name, looking back at the car, it was parked on the side of the road and the people inside were no were to be seen.
Scared and a bit hungry y/n reached behind her for her backpack and got out (favourite fruit, f/f)
"Squeek" the door to the roof opened but not loud enough for her to hear.
But as they got closer, their footsteps got louder.
Y/n's head snapped around quickly to see 4 men and 1 single female standing, covered in blood.
One of them speaks,
"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here?"
Who do you think it is?
That's all for this chapter, if there's any mistakes then sorry and please let me know.
This part was rushed because I have school and I'm really tired, that also explains why it's so short.
And I don't expect this book to blow up so if anyone sees this then congrats 🎉

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