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Perhaps it was Ning Xingzhou's consolation that had some effect, Lu Yuan stopped arguing about going home, and let the other party ring the bell to call the nurse and reinsert the needle.

Miss Nurse sullenly criticized Yitong Lu Yuan's malicious behavior of pulling out the needle. However, the person involved did not respond during the whole process, but Ning Xingzhou smiled and apologized and thanked him.

"Hey, you really are, so your attitude can't be better." After seeing the nurse away, Ning Xingzhou looked at someone on the hospital bed and couldn't help but complain.

With such an indifferent attitude, it is no wonder that the popularity is not good, Ning Xingzhou thought worriedly.

"...What is the best way?" Lu Yuan asked.

"Well... Anyway, it's more polite to say thank you." Ning Xingzhou sat on the small bench, resting his chin with both hands, thinking for two seconds, and gave a satisfactory answer.

What responded to him was a long silence.

Ning Xingzhou blinked and realized that he seemed to have said something wrong. According to what he said, isn't he criticizing the other party in disguise for being rude! As a friend who has only known each other for a day, it seems a little too far.

"Cough, what, I'm just talking casually in a hurry, don't mind..." Ning Xingzhou moved uncomfortably and said a little embarrassedly.

The people on the hospital bed were silent for a long time, and after a while, they said, "Thank you."

"Eh?" Ning Xingzhou was stunned for a moment, unable to believe his ears, "What did you say?"

"..." Lu Yuan looked at the white ceiling and repeated it expressionlessly, "Thank you."

Miraculously, I don't want to leave the impression of impoliteness in the other person's mind.

He paused, then added, "Thank you for coming out to help me."

"Ah?" Ning Xingzhou was a little stunned. He didn't understand how the other party would suddenly thank him. It was clearly not what he said at all. Because it would seem more polite?

Ning Xingzhou smiled embarrassedly, and was somewhat endeared by the other party's belated thanks, "You're welcome, I don't think I've been of any help."

"..." Indeed, no matter whether Ning Xingzhou appeared or not, he would win. However, the mood is different.

Someone willing to help him with this understanding is much more important than winning a fight.

He lowered his eyelids, and rarely said actively: "Go back and rest, you don't have to spend time with me here."

"Well, good." Ning Xingzhou nodded and simply responded, "Then I'll see you tomorrow, so don't 'jailbreak' ahead of time."

The other party is obviously slow and hot, and it is not good to be too tight when they first meet.

He waved goodbye to Lu Yuan, and remembered something before leaving, "Oh, by the way, don't you really need to ask for a leave from the school?"

"It's not necessary if I don't remember the number." No one would care if they didn't go anyway.

"Okay, then you have a good rest, I'll go back first~"

"Yeah." Lu Yuan responded lightly, his eyes bent on Ning Xingzhou, "Be careful on the road."

The voice was as small as a mosquito, even with a little embarrassment, obviously not used to saying such polite words.

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