she's sick

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The past couple of weeks I've been feeling really off. I keep telling myself that I'm overreacting and nothings wrong but the feeling won't go away.

It started with just feeling constantly fatigued, then the dizziness and nausea came. I wake up sweating during the night and have lost most of my appetite.

This morning I wake up feeling like I've just run a marathon. I shower, get myself ready and make my way downstairs.

I smile when I see my daughter walk into the kitchen. However, I notice she's looking a lot more pale than usual as she seems out of breath. "Morning my beautiful girl, are you feeling okay?" I ask concernedly. "Morning mom, yeah I'm fine."

"Do you want some breakfast?" I ask. "Maybe just a bit, I'm not that hungry." She tells me and I nod.

As I make breakfast, I notice that Y/N is extremely exhausted. She's got her head resting on her forearms as she leans over the counter. "Did you sleep alright?" I furrow my eyebrows. "Not really, I woke up really hot in the night." She admits. I walk over to her and press my hand to her forehead. "God Y/N, you're burning up. Let me get you some medicine." I say.

I pour her a glass of iced water and pass her some ibuprofen in the hopes that it brings her fever down.


2 weeks went by and Y/N didn't seem to be getting any better. Of course I went to Bruce and he gave her some medication to take, but nothing seemed to be working.

"Mama, my body hurts." Y/N whines as her head rests on my lap whilst we watch Harry Potter. "Aw sweetheart, I'm sorry. I wish there is something we could do but Bruce said we just need to wait for the flu to pass." I cooed.

I was starting to get worried about Y/N. She's had this flu for 2 weeks now and she doesn't seem to be getting any better.


Another week went by.

I'd noticed how much weight Y/N had lost. She didn't look healthy anymore.

She was constantly exhausted, out of breath, she had no appetite and sometimes if she came into my bed at night, I'd notice how she would sweat profusely.

In the last few weeks, Y/N had been to school twice, and one of those times she came home early because she didn't feel well.

"Oh Y/N, your nose is bleeding." I say to my daughter whose sitting on the sofa opposite me.
I get up to grab the tissues and hold them under her nose. "Sorry Tony, I got it on the sofa." Y/N apologises. "Don't worry about it." He sends her soft smile.

Truthfully, I think we were all a bit concerned about Y/N now. I know that she could just have a really bad flu but, she just didn't seem to be improving.

I sat next to Y/N for the rest of the movie and she cuddle up next to me, resting her head on my shoulder.

I feel my shoulder start to get wet and I noticed that Y/N was crying. "детка, what happened?" (baby) I ask gently. "I'm just so tired." She cries.

This catches the attention of the people in the room which happens to be Bruce, Tony, Wanda, Steve and Peter.

As I place my hand on her hand I feel that she's got a fever. Again. "Y/N, love, can I take your hoodie off? You're burning up again and we need to try and call you down." I softly ask. Y/N nods and pulls the hoodie off leaving her in her shirt.

I notice the bruises scattered up and down her arm. I look at her curiously and ask "How did you get all these bruises?"

She looks at her arm and seems to be just as confused as I am. "I don't know, I didn't notice them." She shrugs as the tears continue the fall down her face. I bring Y/N into my arms as she cries into my shoulder.

"Natasha, when you're free, can I speak to you please?" Bruce asks to which I nod.


Y/N had stopped crying and she fallen asleep on my lap. I carefully reach over to place a pillow under her head so I can get up and see what Bruce needed to talk to me about. I find him in his lab.

"Hey Bruce, you wanted to talk to me?" I ask. He turns to face me. "Uh, yeah, I'd like to run a few blood tests on Y/N if that's okay?" He asks. I nod and say "Y-yeah, that's fine."

"She's asleep right now but I bring her up when she's awake." I continue. "Thanks Nat." He smiles.

I didn't want to ask Bruce why he asked for blood tests, mainly because I was scared of the answer and I didn't want to think the worst.


Y/N doesn't wake up until 6:00pm. It's unusual of her to sleep in the day, especially for this long. As she opens her eyes she yawns and stretches her arms out.

"Well hello sleepyhead." I chuckle. "You feeling any better?" I ask. "A little." She softly smiles.

"Bruce asked if he could run some blood tests, is that okay?" I question. "Yeah. Does he want to do it now?" She responds in a slightly groggy voice. "I think the sooner the better." I smile. "Okay."

As we head to the medbay, I text Bruce to say we are on our way up.

"Okay Y/N, you might feel a little pinch but it shouldn't be too bad." Bruce tells her as he goes to take her blood.

When Bruce finished with the test, Y/N and I went to make dinner. Although Y/N sat on the counter and talked most of the time.

Y/N only ate a small portion of her dinner, but I was happy that she at least had eaten something before she went to bed.

The next morning I get up to go see Bruce to ask if he has the results and as I get to the door I hear Tony and Bruce talking.

"Shit, how am I going to tell Nat?"


A/N: hi!
I will be making a part 2 to this so if you have any suggestions let me know!

Hope you have a lovely day or night x

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