The nature of the beast

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Angry at its loneliness and size
Boredom is showing its ugly side
Eyes wide fear rules heart of the idler
Beast at the top is tired of idle guns

Around us he's looking for a coward
Are we cowards when we respect its size
Seizure on rollercoaster greed is thirsty
The beast is polishing more big guns

My kids are threatened, he wants what's mine, calling me names just because he can.
Am I a coward when I'm size small
Or flexible is just the nature of the beast

I'll never hide under my wife's skirts
Scared or not I'll never show a fear face
Damn I've got kids to protect from threats
Who gave threats the right - well I'm left

I'm thinking about the kids in all this flexing
Their eyes are on me, I'm their guide
Can't say - "well it's the nature the beast, when it's thirsty it loses it's mind."

We all know when it's thirsty it starts threatening women, I'm not its woman
It wants war - well war costs the Innocents
Can it go and make love somewhere else

The nature of the beast in me too
Gets disturbed when threatened
Threats and flexing who's threatened
I've got people to answer to too
I'm a leader in my own den too

I can't say - "It's the nature of the beast."
Who's beast is it, we're all humans here
Humans talk their differences in boardrooms
Boardrooms wars are wars with no guns

I love my wife I love my house
The nature of the beast! What's that?
© lun180

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