Tajomstvo jazykaby ~Ria~
Hľadám ticho správne slová
Čo ti len povedať
Zamykám si ústa znova
S túžbou sa spovedať
Pri myšlienke na číru pravdu
Chytá ma panika
Srdce praská z túžby z hladu
Po tajo...
Just the two of us by ~trishna
An amalgamation of love poems, letters and songs
All writeups are mine :)
Broken Wing butterfly by Ni Shaffi Poe Gahenda
Some women are dragons in romance they fits a guilty to handle the dark situations even though their wings got broken. But others are like butterflies always fall when t...
it's time to say goodbyeby Poetry Soul
Poetry to say goodbye to a person who meant a lot to me. We were best friends for many years, but things went wrong ...
Just something...by Fredy
Zbierka básní mojich myšlienok a pocitov. Nie len básne.
Ktoré necítim len ja ale mnoho z nás.
Zatiaľ v Angličtine, pracujem aj na slovenskej verzii.
A collection of hope
Love hurts, love heals
There's always a rainbow brewing
You need to look beyond your horizon
Breakup season by AddyF18
Poetry about losing someone you love, self-love, self doubt, self-help and more
Freidenker (selftranslated)by Chateau du Mal
Poetry cycle created by one and only Freidenker during the days - he came to his consciousness for the first time - during an early stages of his apathy.
LOVE AND WARby Lungi Msusa
Once a soldier always a soldier but this is not all about war and soldiers it's also about life and love.
What I think, what I see, what I hear I write down. Sometimes m...
Druhá zbierka básní, mojich myšlienok a pocitov.
Dúfam že sa Vám budú páčiť a niektoré veci sa zapáčia viac ako niektoré iné.
Zatiaľ v Angličtine onedlho aj v Slovenčin...