028. "i still don't understand this frosty, vicious blue"

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01:03 ─❁────────── 01:80

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Everyday is repeating, the future is bleak

I feel suffocated inside my heart


          LUCIA WOKE UP WITH A quiet start, flinching as she was immediately greeted by a blinding light, warmth enveloping her body. It was quite the contrast from before, which only meant one thing.

She was dead.

Am I... in heaven?

Was she in heaven in the first place? Because for all she knew, her soul had fly low than high...

She cursed herself. Why did she had to be held hostage right before the third task? Why couldn't it be the night after? Why did she had to go to heaven, hell, or wherever without saying goodbye —

"What are you doing, Hermione? Can't you stay still?"

She froze at the sound of the familiar voice; a wave of relief began flooding through her. Had she heard that right, or was she just hallucinating?

Could you even hallucinate when you're dead?

"I'm coping, Ron! You try to be me for once and see if it's easy as you make it out to be!" Hermione's voice filled her ears. Though it was in a whispering tone, it was loud enough for her to hear.

"Okay, okay," Ron said, annoyed. "But be quieter, or else Mum's gonna throw a fit,"

Slowly, her eyes opened just slightly. She took a moment to readjust herself to the light after being stuck in utter darkness the whole time until she finally realised that she was safe in the confinements of the hospital wing.

Someone saved them.

Someone saved her and the real Moody. Finally.

With as much strength she could muster, Lucia attempted to move her head slightly, which only made her greatly regret it after. All she felt was pain in each and every movement, but it was much better than before. Before was just terrible; she had to endure the pain even while breathing.

She glanced around the room and saw Harry sleeping soundly in the bed next to her. What happened? Why was he here too? Did he get hurt accidentally?

Questions began to pop into her mind one by one and before she knew it, she began to think of Barty Crouch Junior and that blasted trunk. Her chest became heavy, shuddering as she thought of those very moments she had, thinking she could never wake up from that terrible nightmare.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now