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Five years later***

  "Hey, sweetheart!" Logan greets me as I enter the den.

  I have been putting in a lot of hours at the office. Today was a different day. The three brothers that I took away from their grandmother, were adopted and I was a witness to the happy occasion.

  My office has full endorsement from judge Carrington's office and Children and Family Services. Since we opened five years ago, we have more clients than Kelly's office. She actually went bankrupt three years ago.

  "Hi, honey! How was your day?" I ask as I go into his arms for my kiss. He never disappoints. His kisses are just as hot now as they were the day we married.

  "My day just got better! I love you, Kaylee! But we only have about twenty minutes to get to the restaurant."

  "Alright, let's go." We talked about our day as Logan drives us to the family night out.

  Everyone was there already. Lana and Carl, mom and poppa, Tara and Griffin, Jamey and Shawna. Along with all of their kids.

  Jamey and Shawna have been married for four years and have two sons. Gage is three and Liam is two. Shawna is four months pregnant with their daughter.

  After all of the hugs and greetings are done, we sit to enjoy our family.

  "Hey mom and poppa. Are you ready for another grand baby?" I ask suddenly.

  Everyone knows that Logan and I have been having a hard time getting pregnant. So they don't put pressure on us.

   "We are always happy to welcome new babies." Mom replied as she smiles at Shawna and Jamey.

  Today is poppa's birthday so we all have small gifts for him. I am three months along and we have decided to tell the family. Griffin and Tara gives poppa a weekend getaway to Vegas for two. Carl and Lana give him a new pair of boots. Jamey and Shawna give him a new wallet with a hundred dollar bill and a picture of all the grandchildren. Logan and I are last. I hand poppa a box wrapped in green foil paper wrapping.

  He unwraps it and instantly stops all movement. He just stares at the contents of the box.

  "Honey? Are you ok?" Mom asks him. No response except a nod.

   "What's up, dad?" Lana asks.

  He looks up at me and Logan. "Is this for real?" He asks in a shocked quiet voice.

  "Yes, poppa! It is real! Look at the picture."

  I stand and go to him. I point out baby number one. Then baby number two. Mom looks over and squeals in delight. She jumps up and hugs me as she sways back and forth.

  "Are y'all having a baby?" Tara asks Logan.

  "Not a baby.... Twins!" Logan's answer caused everyone to stand and get hugs from both of us.

  We sit back down and the questions start.

  How far along are you?
  When did you find out?
  Why didn't you tell us sooner?

  "This was the second ivf that we did. The first didn't take. We waited because we didn't want to get our hopes up again. It is still risky. That's why I am taking it cautiously. The doctor is recommending I leave work in a month or two. So it might be rough going for a while."

  "You both have your family to lean on. We are all so happy for you guys!" Tara tells us.

  After a while, we are finished eating. Logan and I stand to leave after paying our check. "I'm taking Kaylee home. She gets tired easily these days." Logan told Griffin when he asked why were we leaving so early.

  "Alright! Well take care of my sister." We give everyone a hug and go home.

  We are cuddling on the couch when I doze off. I had changed into loose shorts and t-shirt before laying in front of Logan.

  I feel Logan's hard cock as I wake up around nine o'clock. He is watching a movie where the couple is having sex.

  I watch the scene on TV as the couple are really into it. I pull Logan's shorts down and squeeze his cock.

  Logan's hips thrust forward as he moans. "You don't have to do that, sweetheart."

  "Logan! If you don't get inside me right now, I will be upset! Like very upset!"

  In one smooth move, Logan pulls my shorts down and enters me.

  I can't stop the moan of pleasure. I don't even try. We set a fast but smooth pace. Logan pinches my clit and I lost my head.

  Logan follows closely. We stay connected while we calm our breathing.

  The couple on the screen are joined by another man. I feel Logan getting hard again.

  Logan starts thrusting again. "Go ahead, honey." I say as one of the men enters her ass.

  "Are you serious?"

   "Yes, Logan. I want you there."

  Logan withdraws and starts working his way in.

  "Holy fuck! You ok, sweetheart?" He asks.

  "Perfectly fine, Logan." He starts thrusting slowly. The thrusts speed up almost immediately. "Logan!"

  Logan is pounding me. I pull his hand to my slit and he starts finger fucking me as he comes violently. I soon follow, screaming his name.

  "I think this movie just became my favorite." Logan chuckles.
5 months later**

  "Logan, I'm at the hospital. Meet me there when you can. Be careful, honey. I love you!" I hung up as another contraction hit.

  "What do you need, babygirl?" Poppa asks as he stands by my bed.

  "My babies to be born healthy. My husband to get here before they arrive." I answer when the pain passes.

  "I can't help with any of that."

  "Hold my hand and help me stay calm?" I reply with a smile.

  "I can do that!" We talk until the door opens again and Logan enters.

  "Hey, sweetheart! I'm so sorry that I'm late! We had a big case." He stops to kiss me. "Hey, Vic! How's everything?"

  "She's doing great! Contractions are about four minutes apart. I think that she has even broken my hand." Poppa replies. Mom comes into the room.

  "Alright! Shawna and Jamey are home with Layla. All the boys are in love with their sister. They have said that she will be protected for life from all the boys." She kissed my head. "How are you feeling, baby?"

  "I'm alright, mom. Glad they got home alright."

  The doctor enters and checks me out. We spend the next several minutes getting me ready to have my children.

  Jaxon Michael Burton is born weighing six pounds even.

  Ginnifer Adele Burton weighs four pounds and eight ounces.

  I have to have an emergency hysterectomy when I start hemorrhaging an hour after giving birth. That has been the doctor's concern since I got pregnant. It was why it took so much for me to get pregnant to begin with.

  Having my babies was worth every sacrifice! Logan stays at my side the entire time I'm in the hospital. Even when we went home, he took eight weeks off of work to stay with us.

  I couldn't imagine my life any differently!
  Well guys! That is the end of Kaylee's story! Please let me know what you think. Leave a vote and/or comment.
Thanks for reading and I hope that you enjoyed it.
Until next time!
Lots of love,
Menarhodes xoxo

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