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The most painful goodbyes are the ones never said...

"... As a mother I never imagined myself burying my son, if anything I thought he would bury me." Angelo's mother said as tears ran down her cheeks "I remember how excited he was when we decided to come back home after we lost his father here, little did I know I'd lose him too the same way I lost Andrea" she wept more vigorously "Andrea, take care of our son for me, I really tried connecting him to you some way, he Learnt your entire culture for you, I did my part raising him, now it's yours" She said looking at the sky as she closed her speech

I also didn't think I would be 'widowed' at such a young age, my heart ached because something kept telling me it's my fault he is gone. Everything was going so well, in my two years of knowing him I felt like I had known him forever. He was such a loving soul, he was the perfect human filled with so much love and warmth and all that was taken away just after two weeks of dating him. Something in me told me to keep us as just friends given my track record with guys here but I let my feelings for him overpower my judgement and now I lost him for good.

As the funeral came to an end everyone started leaving but I couldn't bring myself to leave just yet, I felt like he was there, cold and alone and I wanted to be with him one last time. I could feel his presence and his voice comforting me in my head like how he used to "don't worry Imani, it's all going to be okay... You are stronger than this and you know it... You like our catwoman, badass and ready to fight anything and anyone" he used to say and it always brought a smile to me face
"there's the million dollar smile, look how beautiful you are", I missed him Alot, he was my best friend and everything became ten times better after I became his girlfriend. I don't think I had ever experienced love like his ever. I feel my eyes watering again

"I'm so sorry Angelo, I'm sorry this happened" I said as I felt tears fall

"Ms Josephs, sorry to disturb you in this intimate and sad moment but you have to follow me" and unfamiliar voice with a thick accent said. I turned around so I could see where the voice was coming from and I met a middle aged man who held out a badge.
"I'm detective Russo and I have a few questions to ask you about Angelo, so can you kindly follow me to the station". I was so dumbstruck I just nodded and started following the man, Lord knows what could happen, this man could be a serial killer for all I knew, heck he could be the one who shot Angelo but my mind was not functioning right at that moment and I needed answers...

We got to the station and Detective Russo led me to his office, the moment I entered I was faced by a wall filled with many pictures and mine as well, what was really going on here, I started panicking and ran out of the station, what the actual fuck, was I like a suspect? am I under invistigation... Many thoughts ran through my mind I was so confused, I was being chased by a confused Mr Russo.

"Ms Josephs wait, I mean no harm and you running right now is only bringing more suspicion" the moment he said that I stopped running and turned around to face him with my tear stained face
"you couldn't wait for me to finish mourning him atleast before you bring me in as a suspect" I say "I WANNA GO HOME NOW!!" I yelled and that startled the detective a bit
"okay okay, I apologize. You are right, this may have been too soon but Ms Josephs if you don't solve this soon this could get real messy, there are many people looking into your case already and I'd advice you to cooperate as I'm only trying to help" he took a pause and I understood what he meant so I nodded
"I will take you home, take this card and call me when you're ready to come in okay" he said to me with a reassuring smile and although he did seem genuine my guard was still up. I took the card and followed him to the car he drove us here in, I needed to act fast before shit took a big L real quick. The last thing I wanted was going back home with a criminal record after getting deported, my mom would definitely kill me.

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