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Imani POV

It's been a week since I met the infamous Gio and my life literally revolved around him now which was horrible, just the sight of him made me wanna go on a murder spree. My days switched from the boring nonproductive days to attending meetings with him and dinners and not to forget all meals I had in this house, I had them with him. He was literally in Infront of my face all the time except when I attended lectures sometimes since he sat in some of my classes to make sure I 'behave'. I just didn't have time for myself anymore and trust me I preferred how things used to be, I know I complained about being bored but I'd rather have that than be with Gio all the time. Besides that though I had Anne and Russello keeping me sane I actually suspected there was something going on between them if not there definitely was some sexual chemistry between them. Rose still hated my guts and the feeling was still very much mutual, the side eyes turned into snarky comments she passed underneath her breath every time Gio forced me to go with him.

I was grateful that he allowed me to finish my studies and he made sure I always had footage of David and Elena so I knew they were okay, I didn't ask how he managed to do that in case he took away the only thing I had that made me closer to them I was just glad he hadn't hurt them, well Ares had obviously broken her heart and I was definitely gonna kill him for that or at least dismember two or three of his body parts.

During my forced stay here I was gathering all kinds of evidence I could use against Gio, the only problem was all the meetings and dinners I had gone to with him , nothing illegal was ever mentioned, It was always legit business deals. Even the business partners he had introduced me to all seemed to be legit and word on the streets was Gio was hated by many criminals and mafia for taking them out of business and if it was any other naïve girl, she would believe but no one could ever convince this bitch he wasn't just eliminating competition to stay on top, poppa ain't raise no fool I mean this man murdered people like popcorn, it was part of his daily life so to me he was definitely a criminal, a dangerous one at that.

I spent most of my days in my room to avoid Gio,though that didn't help much since he would barge in at any moment. He really didn't have any sense of privacy whatsoever.
Although I always saw him, I barely knew him I mean he barely ever said more than seven words to me in a day, not that I was interested anyways since my number one priority was to escape. Being here really made me miss my brother, I actually wanted to go home which was the first in a very long time.
I hadn't talked to Tristen in so long I hoped he was okay, well as okay as he could be living with the narcissistic bastard that was my step dad. I always wondered why mom let Greg treat us like that...

Reminiscing about the way I left things at home brought tears to my eyes, I was so zoned out I didn't even see that Anne had entered the room.
"Imani, why are you crying,is everything okay..." She asked worry filling her tone
"Yeah, I just miss....home,I miss my brother and my mom" I said as I wiped away the tears
"I'm so sorry, I know how that must feel and I wish I could help" a sad expression sat on her face and it broke my heart even more knowing I was in a hopeless situation
"Actually you could, I wanna go out tonight" I said surprising myself with the statement, since when did I like going out
"Umm we both know that's impossible" she said rolling her eyes playfully
"Oh but I'll make it possible, I've been so good to Gio I deserve this" i said standing up " where is he?" I asked nobody in particular "last I saw him he was headed to the office" LeeAnne answered and I made my way to go ask for the impossible

I knocked on the door and after about 3 Min of back and forth bickering I opened the door, I'd be damned if I had continued standing outside while this man acted like he couldn't hear my knock. I instantly regretted not waiting outside as I saw a woman I had never seen before grab Gio and kiss him , everything looked so forced I wondered whether I was just the crazy one or was this woman really forcing herself on Gio, but knowing him that wouldn't pass. Gio pushed her away and her next move stunned me, she straight up slapped him
"I fucking hate you" she said as she walked away from him, she walked passed me and slammed the door shut .
"Wrong timing?" I asked nervously as I smiled lightly
"Why the fuck are you here?"
"Woah,rude much...I'm not the one who sent her here to manhandle you" I said as a giggle escapes my lips
"Oh you find this funny" he asks clearly furious, I should stop making the situation worse after all I'm here for a reason
"My bad, umm can I go out with Anne...tonight" I ask him as I give him the best puppy dog eyes I could master "please..." I say dragging the word
"No" he said dismissing the whole idea as he walked back behind his desk
"Come on ,please. I have been behaving and you always have me locked up in this house, I can't even go out to get my own underwear and toiletries this is not fair" I continued ,he better change his mind before I throw a fit . He paused a little then he picked up his landline and said something brief in Italian.
"Fine but Rosenna is coming with you" I immediately regretted asking
"What! Why, it's supposed to be fun night why the heck would you call her to come bully me there, is it not enough that she bullies me at home" I say trying to emotionally blackmail him
"I rather stay than go with her" I say
"Well suit yourself" he said and he angered me just like that, but I had to control my temper since I actually wanted to go.
"Fine! But she better not be a party pooper" I say
"As long as you behave, and rules before you leave, no getting too drunk, no talking to strangers especially men, and you must dress appropriately, you are mine remember and I don't like other people looking at my possessions" he said and I wanted to punch him straight in the face but i held myself back, something I had been doing a lot lately
"Yes sir" I answered as I turned and left,well atleast I got what I wanted .

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