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You were playing chess and he was in your mind controlling the pieces

Imani POV

"David stop!!!!" I yelled as he ran towards the stairs "I...fuck you

see now I'm tired from chasing after you dumb as" I continued as I caught up with him and slapped his shoulder playfully.

"Just let me take you home Mani" he said and I still hadn't gotten used to the nickname he had given me.

"I told you I'll be okay besides you can drop the boyfriend act and go home, I'm tired of seeing your face" I joked, I won't lie David had grown on me in a way, yes we were on a mission but he quickly became thee annoying friend I enjoyed being around. He was so playful, completely different from the David I met by that abandoned shopping area. I wonder how Detective Russo dealt with his partner as he was such a serious man who looked like he didn't take shit from anyone and had to time for fun and games. If I was honest detective Russo scared me a bit.

"Okay fine" he finally said and walked towards me giving me a hug, something that took me time to get used to but we had to make the shadow man believe in this 'relationship' so a few hugs there and there wouldn't kill anyone. He walked let go and walked towards the car and he stood there motioning for me to go in.

omg this guy can't be serious right now I mean I get he tranna keep me safe but damn, at this point he must just buy a baby monitor for me. I thought to myself as I turned on my heels and walked up the stairs and opened the apartment door. I got in the lobby greeting the security that sat there and went straight for the elevator, I needed to be home in my blankets now well right after a steamy bath. I walked out of the elevator when it reached the nineth floor and as I reached for the keys in my pocket I realized I was wearing tights tonight meaning I had left my apartment keys in David's car...

Screw my life, I ran back in the elevator and reached for my phone in the small hand purse I was carrying . I dialed David's number and it kept ringing but he wasn't picking it up. Fuck my dumbass for forgetting the keys, Fuck David's dumbass for not picking his phone and fuck Elena for not being at home. I sprinted past the lobby and noticed that the security that was there a few minutes ago was no where to be found now but I didn't pay attention to it, I just wanted my keys.

I got outside and David had already left, of course he had I'm the one who frikkin chased him, I mentally rolled my eyes. As I turned around to go look for the security hoping he could help my phone ran and I quickly answered.

'David you gotta come back please ' I answered sounding exasperated

'aww you miss your boo already honey' he said and I could hear him park, I really wasn't in the mood for his jokes anymore

'Are you okay, did something happen' he finally said realizing I was being serious

'Yes...I left my fucken keys in your car and I'm stuck outside , please bring them back'

'oh you had me scared there for a bit, okay give me about 5 minutes ill be back' he said and I heard him turn his car on again assuming he was busting a U

'okay you'll find me...' before I could finish the sentence I felt a heavy object hit the back of my head, What the hell, I felt immediate sharp pain shot up my head and I instantly knew that blow was gonna leave me with a concussion. I turned around to see where the hit had come from and I regretted that as I suddenly felt dizzy and fell right by the stairs, my vision began to slowly bluur and I saw a silhouette figure, looked like a man in all grey with his face covered in a ski mask but what caught my attention, well the little that I could give in that moment was his large, deep blue eyes. I felt myself going in and out of consciousness. I tried fighting to stay awake but the panic that creeped in was not helping, I heard David shouting my name on my phone that was lying a few feet away from me and that made my anxiety worse. Was this this how the shadow man planned to take me or worse he wants to kill me now...

thoughts rummaged my mind as dark spots filled my vision but right before it all went black I heard a familiar voice call out for me and the guy that had attacked me ran but before I could figure out who my savior was I completely blacked , hearing a little commotion before everything went black and silent...was I dead

Lord please don't make me wakeup in some strange basement tied to any chair with my kidnapper waiting for me to regain consciousness....

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