Chapter One: England

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"Cher can you move your lazy butt already!! We have to be there in half an hour and you are still in the freaking shower!" yelled my older sister from the other side of the bathroom door.

Always so sweet~ I thought.

I may be a little bit late...okay maybe like a lot. Well it's not my fault I couldn't sleep last night because of the nerves. And well in my defense I have to take a shower, does she wants me smelling like a dead rat in front of all the British hotties I'll be seeing soon? Well no way Jose.

"Ugh Elisa for the last time I'm coming!" I replied.

Elisa was my older sister, and unfortunately she was the one taking me to the airport.  My parents had to go out of town for the week because of business things and well that's where Elisa comes in. She's only two years older than me but she acts as if I was 5, which kind of pisses me off. We look nothing alike. We barely look like family. She has a gorgeous blonde hair. Me? Well my natural hair is dark brown that in the distance looks black. She has green eyes. I have big brown eyes, she is really pale and I'm kinda tan. She's like 5'7 which is pretty tall and me? Haha short is not exactly the word to describe me; I think dwarf describes it well. I'm barely 5'1.  Guess I got my mother's genes.

I looked in a mirror while I wrapped myself in the towel. I applied foundation and some powder. A lil bit of mascara and tied my hair in a long ponytail. I say long cause literally my hair is pretty dam long. I've been growing it for two years now. It's like "touching butt" kind of long. I started straightening my bangs, till my reddish brown hair-which I had dyed for the first time two months ago- was done. Then checked my reflection one last time, and finally got out of the bathroom to dress up. I took the jeans and a blue V neck shirt that was in my bed. It was a simple attired but ohh well I was just going to be at the airport.

Ten minutes later I was at the airport. Thank God we lived pretty near to it. I started looking for my two best friends, which whom I was going with. Finally I saw one of them.

"Karina!" I yelled so she would see me.

People were looking at me in a weird way, but I just ignore them, I was too excited to care.

"Cher!!"She yelled in that unique way of hers.

As she walked to me I started seeing her clearer.  I could see her crazy dirty blonde hair, I say crazy cause well it's not an easy hair to handle. But that look suits her well. Her greenish eyes were filled with emotion just like mine.

"Have you seen Denisse?"She asked.

Denisse is my other best friend. She is like 3 inches taller than me but like 3 inches shorter than Karina. We all knew each other since first grade. She had a dark brown hair, with a few waves just like mine. She had big hazel eyes that complemented her very well.

"No I haven't. She'll be here soon...I hope." I replied.

"I think that's her"  Said my sister while pointing with her finger to the airport's door.

She ran to us with all the bags on hand.

"Sorry I'm late!"she said while making a face.

"Its okay, they still haven't called our flight number. " I told her trying to calm her down.

Five minutes later we got called.

"Well guess this is goodbye." I told my sister.

This was a weird situation, we were so not close. So I had no idea on how to say goodbye.

"Guess so" She replied. 

I could feel the tension.

"Well Imma go, see you in two weeks. I'll call mom when I get there" I said trying to break the ice.

"Yeah that's alright. See you later baby girl" She told me and gave me a really short hug.

Sisterly love~ I though.

Few minutes later we were in our seats.

"Okay this is going to be a looooooong day, 8 hours of flight" Karina said while putting her headphones on.

"I knoooow" I said while stretching.

"I'm tired already"  said Denisse this time.

After talking for some time we all fell asleep. I have no idea for how long we slept, I just know that the voice of the pilot through the speakers woke us up.

We got our hand bags and got out, and after half an hour we had our luggage on hand and were ready to go to the hotel.

Alexander's POV:

"Alexander Davis Laurence for the love of God you are a 23 year old man can you start acting like it!!" Yelled my mother while looking at me with the face she often made every time she was disappointed of me.

"Mother can you just get out?" I said trying to not to yell at her.

"Ha! I find you on bed with my best friend's daughter and you just ask me to get out? Alexander you need to grow up! You are the second in line for the crown and all you do is go from party to party!!" She kept shouting not caring a naked girl was in front of her.

I could feel Lisa's skin getting all tensed, she was scared. Well who wouldn't be? The queen was going crazy in front of her.

"Lisa could you leave us alone?" asked my mother in a harsh voice.

"Uhh-ohh- ye- I mean yes madam" She stuttered.

She picked her clothes from the floor, wrapped herself with the bed blankets and practically ran to the bathroom.

"Mother that was rude" I told her trying not to lose my nerves, she was driving me crazy.

"That was rude? Ha! THAT was rude? Isn't rude to have a different girl every night in your bed? Isn't rude that your mother finds you having sex with a girl and you just act like it was nothing and ask me to get out? If all of those things aren't rude, I have no idea what the meaning of rude is now days!"

"Mother for the love of God I am 23! I grew up. Stop treating like I'm 5!" I finally lost it and yelled at her.

"I'll stop acting like you are five when YOU stop acting like it" She said before slamming the door on her way out.

"UHGGG" I let out  a scream while falling into bed again.

"Oh and after the lady is done with the bathroom I want her out of the room, your father is going to have a conversation with you." Said my mother walking in, again.

"Whatever" I replied not looking at her.

After that she finally went away.

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