Let the games begin!

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"Rose Hathaway!" Lissa screeched through the bond. "Get your ass to my room right now!" she continued. Ugh! I knew what she wanted to do. It was the week before graduation and she had decided it was games night. Great!

"Dimitri?" I asked from where I was still under my mentor-turned-lover since he'd pinned me for the god knows what time this training. We'd done hardly anything since the cabin. Not even me saving his ass could change his mind about waiting until grad before we removed more than one and other's shirt. That said, I knew he was struggling as much as me when it came to controlling the desire to relive that precious night.
"Yes, Rose?" he asked with curiosity coloring his voice, and showing plain as day on his face.
"Lissa wants me for pre-graduation games night."
Surprise and intrigue then worry shone in his eyes. "Should I be supervising?" he asked in amusement while pulling me up.
"Uhh..." was my ingenious response, before my indignant, "you can't think I'm That immature still, can you?!"
My Dimitri actually chuckled and let out a full smile. "No, not really. But who knows what could happen if Ivashkov joins and gets you," I glared at what he was about to say, "any of you, drunk," he amended as we grabbed our towels.
"You really think Eddie-"
"Christian, Adrian, and even Lissa could be troublemakers if you get into truth or dare. I don't wanna know what kind of dares you'd come up with." Dimitri leaned down to whisper into my ear, "I was about to give in again and ask you to join me in the shower."
"Now I hate her," I shivered and a pang of loss shot through me, as did one of amusement.
"You don't hate her," he stated before shutting the door to the teachers' showers.
Damn him! I thought while entering the girls' showers and cleaning up quickly, also rinsing the sweat out of my hair 'cause I had a feeling this was going to be a long night.

"Let's go," said an intoxicating Dimitri. He never looked hotter than when he came out of the shower, and never smelled better than when he added that touch of aftershave. I seriously didn't need alcohol or drugs with him in my life-he was a drug all of his own, my own personal drug that is.
"Are you sure?" I laughed as we walked across campus to the Moroi dorms and up to Lissa's room.
"Absolutely," he said as I opened the door, walking right in.
"Rose! Finally!" they chorused. Then noted Dimitri.
"Uh, little dhampir, what's with your Russian slave driver?" said Adrian.
"I'm supervising you lot," Dimitri's focus was on the unsurprisingly drunk Moroi.
"Uh huh," muttered Adrian so softly I nearly didn't catch it.
"In that case," said Christian with an odd look, kind of cunning yet unknowing, "you're also playing."
"Lord Ozera," Dimitri started.
"Not this time, Belikov. I wanna see you lighten up when my aunt isn't around."
"Fine," agreed my lover after casting me a worried sidelong glance.
"Good," Christian smirked as Dimitri sat next to me, joining the circle on the floor.
"What first?!" Lissa squealed and we all laughed. Dimitri, however, just smiled a tiny lip twitch. "Truth or dare? I never? Or spin the bottle?"
"Truth or dare," was the general consensus.

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