Back to I Never

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"Can we finish off I Never?" asked Eddie. "Otherwise I'm gonna stuff all that chocolate in my mouth in the next ten minutes?"
"Mmm'kay," agreed a reluctant Adrian after everyone else had excitedly conceded. He proceeded to look between me and Dimitri, then his eyes sparkled. He really would have us revealed to my friends this time. And to think he was constantly drunk!

Christian went first. "I've never kissed a teacher." Damn! Hadn't expected that from him, from Adrian, sure, but not from Christian. And unfortunately, the spin the bottle and seven minutes of heaven incidents counted. I took an M'n'M and ate it dutifully. To my surprise, and to all of our surprises really, Adrian also had one.

"I've never kissed a student," said Adrian cockily.
Dimitri ate a chocolate before making his comeback. "You're also not a student and we all know you've kissed Rose; right in front of us." Dimitri gave Adrian a hard glare.
Adrian lost his bravado for a second and, caught out in his own game, ate the chocolate.

"I've never kissed someone unwillingly," Lissa declared. Christian glared at her. She sent him a flirtatious bright smile. He melted and ate the chocolate.
Eddie, Adrian and I also took a chocolate. Dimitri's not eating took Eddie and Christian by surprise. Then one asked the question Dimitri and I dreaded hearing before we chose to go public.
"You willingly kissed Rose, Belikov?" asked Eddie in an unimpressed manner.
Dimitri pointedly looked at me.
I didn't know what to do. So I did what I did best and truly threw caution to the wind for the first time tonight. I smiled sappily at Dimitri before answering for him while keeping eye contact with him. "He did, he does, and he always will."

Dimitri returned my sappy look before pulling me into his arms and onto his lap, kissing me extremely passionately. God, I loved the man. I returned his kiss with all I had in me. My better half's hands slipped under my shirt at the same time mine pushed his duster off his shoulder... well they fruitlessly attempted to until Dimitri realised what I wanted to do and pulled away from me enough to do so. His duster fell to the floor as he shrugged his arms out only for them to embrace me and bring me closer to him milliseconds later.

"Guys! That's disgusting!" interrupted Christian. "You two are worse than Lissa and I."
I heard her mentally agree as she ran through again what she had seen. I couldn't disagree more.

"I've never had sex in a church attic," I retorted.
That was cruel, Rose! Lissa mentally declared in embarrassment while Christian and she took a chocolate.

"Let's speed this up, for each time we have done it, we take a corresponding number of M'n'Ms. I've never had sex," declared Eddie.
Dimitri and I took one each for the cabin. Lissa and Christian ate three each. Adrian, surprising us yet again, only had eleven. We all presumed he'd have to finish his first packet, I was sure. But it was Dimitri and I who they had truly taken note of. And had pieced it together to mean the truth, we'd had sex. Lissa was fervently reminding herself exactly Why I Couldn't tell her rather than I simply Hadn't or Wouldn't.

"You two?" Christian asked numbly. Now who was out of character?
"Really Belikov?" accused Adrian. No surprise there.
"What about Mason, Rose?" came from Eddie.
"You better value what she gave you, Dimitri," warned Lissa. "Despite the rumours, all of us here know she may not ever have sex, at least before graduation."
Dimitri looked at me meaningfully and tenderly and honesty radiated from him as he responded. "Believe me when I say no one can possibly fathom just how much this wonderful woman called Rose Hathaway values who she is and just how sensitive she is." He paused to kiss me lightly. "I know, I've always known, that your true character would only allow you to do certain things with certain people." He dropped his voice to a whisper and his lips to my ear, "I was so scared of making you uncomfortable in the cabin after seeing how nervous you were under the charm. I wanted your first time to be life-altering and tender and reflect everything you are to me, everything you've done and do to me. I wanted you to feel so extremely special, valuable, unique and loved."
I blushed furiously at hearing Dimitri speak so... I don't even knowing if I could find the right words... so nervously, so tenderly, yet so passionately about our sex life. Let alone in front of the others who he'd made me forget were in the room. "You accomplished your mission, Comrade," I breathed, "and then some."
"Oh, Roza," he returned just as breathlessly with his lips still against my ear and accent so hear-racingly thick, "oh my dearest Roza, my mission with you will never be accomplished because you aren't a game or a prize, you are the farthest thing from a conquest."
I pulled away just enough to look into his eyes in utter shock, amazement, and love. "I had never thought for the tiniest fraction of a millisecond that I was, because I know you aren't that kind of man." I brought my lips to his.

"You two are unbelievable!" whined Eddie, interrupting us.
"I'm scarred for life!" added Christian.
"Get used to it," retorted Adrian, "Their auras are supernovas right now and I'm sadly enough likely correctly guessing the whole world will soon have to deal with guardians in a public relationship." He looked at us pointedly until we nodded and affirmed his assumptions.
"How'd you do it, Belikov?" enquired Eddie.
"If you really want to know, we'll have to return to truth or dare, and I really don't want to say anything other than because he's Dimitri, my Dimitri."
Dimitri growled lustfully in my ear when I got possessive of him.

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