Truth or Dare Round 2

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"Belikov," Christian asked after we'd both thoroughly rinsed our mouths.
"Are you interested in Aunt Tasha?"
"No," was my man's immediate and sure response. "I'm not interested in her. She's nothing more than a friend." That got curious looks from most, but a knowing look from Adrian and a blank one from me.

"Rose?" Dimitri chose me. Damn him!
"Dare." Please don't go too easy, nor too hard on me.
"I dare you to sit in Adrian's lap until you're called again." The glint in his eyes told me this would be torture for Adrian in the long run, an absolute tease.
"That's going easy on her, Belikov," argued Adrian. I glared at him before he said something I'd be on the punishing end of. He shrugged and I begrudgingly did as dared. I was no chicken but this was irritating. I didn't want Adrian getting any ideas.

"Adrian," I directed the Moroi I was sitting on.
"Dare," he agreed fearlessly.
"I dare you to let go of me." Lissa still couldn't get why I kept blowing him off. She even chastised me. But I ignored it as the rest of the room chorused, "Of course Rose finds a way out."
"Fine," he relented and I only too happily returned to my spot.

I felt almost violated as I only ever wanted Dimitri's hands and arms holding me and touching me like Adrian had been attempting to do. He was all too eager to undress me and feel me; I was only too eager to be offended and repulsed by it. Dimitri was the only guy who was going to see me naked and touch me tenderly and passionately.

"Edison," Adrian shot at Eddie.
"Dare," he smirked.
"I dare you to run through all the halls of this dorm, screaming "Roses are red, Violets are blue, life is a dream and I love you!" Shirtless." Eddie's careful guardian instinct made him wary at first, but then he shrugged.
"Okay," he agreed and stripped off his shirt. Years of training made him toned and chiseled like Dimitri, but he still had a boyish edge to his shaping. That was likely due to his still maturing face shape. Lissa grabbed her phone and the others left. I followed out the door, shut it, took two steps and returned to Dimitri in Lissa's room.

"You're not risking your reputation are you?" he chuckled while taking me into his arms and pecking my forehead before releasing me.
"I could just want to wait here with you, keep you company instead of those ridiculous westerns."
"You'll have to live with them at Court!" he teased. "And I know you're being wary of adding to your black marks."
"Ugh!" I threw my arms up in exasperation. "Are you always right?" I whined playfully. Dimitri simply chuckled at me.

I sat on Lissa's bed while we waited for the others to return. Dimitri sat on her desk chair. It was both a comfortable and highly sexually-tense silence. We'd gaze at each other, he'd rake his eyes longingly over me, I'd do the same to him, and we'd roll our eyes and laugh at the craziness going on outside and resulting commotion thanks to Adrian and Eddie.
The group tumbled through the door laughing like hyenas. My friends were red faced and Lissa was about to get a stitch because she'd been laughing so hard.
"You two missed out on some mighty good fun!" gasped Christian.
"I saw through the bond, and Dimitri couldn't afford to be spotted," I retorted humorously. "Now, if you'll calm down, I believe it's Eddie's turn to target Liss."
"Rose!" Lissa groaned as we all took our places on the floor, back into the circle.

"Truth or dare, Princess?" teased Eddie while pulling his shirt on and joining the group.
"Truth, and no one in this room is to call me Princess ever again."
"Okay then... would you ever run for Queen if Tatiana didn't announce an heir?"
Lissa froze in shock. Her as a queen? She couldn't see that ever happening, all she wanted was to be on council. She struggled being Princess, she wouldn't enjoy being queen. "No. I wouldn't. Princess is tough enough, I wouldn't want to be in Tatiana's place."

"Guardian Belikov," Lissa addressed Dimitri. I rolled my eyes. When were those two ever going to drop the other's title?
"Princess." See what I mean?! It's so damn annoying.
"Have you ever pashed a girl?"
"Yes," Dimitri answered while trying to maintain our cover by not looking at me.
"What?!" and "Who?!" were screeched and exclaimed by all but Adrian, who looked at me in shock and amusement.
"I bet it was Tasha," called Christian.
"No, it wasn't," he replied nonchalantly.
"Seriously?" I asked in astonishment. It kinda made me feel even more special if he'd kissed me and not her. That didn't strictly mean I was the only one he'd kissed like that before he'd met me. But at least I knew I was the only one who made him lose control and understood him as I did.
"Seriously, Rose," he said with a look that seemed to say, "only you," though I couldn't be sure, no matter how well and accurately I read him.

"Okay, Christian," Dimitri asked his charge-only-for-a-few-more-weeks' boyfriend.
"List five of Adrian's annoying traits."
"Easy! Drunk, party-boy, crazy, womaniser (who's after an unwilling Rose)," Adrian's face turned incredulous and a little upset at that, "not to mention spoiled."

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