1 - Unfinished Business

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Breathe, Y/N. Breathe.

The last 5 minutes seem impossible, but the evidence is right in front of you. This really just happened.

It started when, against your better judgment, you opened up Instagram to check it one last time before turning out the light in your apartment and going to bed. You hate this habit of yours—it always takes more time than you meant it to.

Scrolling around, you noticed that Jungkook had posted to his stories—a video of him boxing, looking sweaty and strong and like he's having the time of his life.

Yep, that's my bias, you swoon. And of course—he would bring his trainer on tour with him. I guess he's gotta let that energy out somehow, since we all know BTS can't really date...

You wonder vaguely which hotel in town he's staying at for the show tomorrow. You're still pinching yourself that you actually got tickets. How well will you be able to see him from your spot in the crowd? When that boy is in performance mode...damn. He transforms from sweet and shy to smoldering, raw intensity and stamina, and then back again to bunny smile cutie. His duality could give a girl whiplash.

Your eye drifts to the "Message" button. You're not really the kind of fan who tries to get in touch with BTS; you prefer to admire them from afar. But lately, you can't stop yourself from wondering what it would be like to get closer to them. Closer to Jungkook, in particular.

Ever since he showed up in your dreams the other night....

You sigh a little as the memory comes back to you.

In the dream, you're backstage with Jungkook before a show. Sounds of the crew setting up the stage mingle with the growing din of the crowd, and as you face each other in a curtained-off corner, the sexual tension is thick.

You stare into those deep, soulful eyes, absentmindedly sweeping your tongue across your lips, wetting them. A flash of mischief plays across Jungkook's face, and the heats sparks between you. Neither of you dares to break the smoldering eye contact.

Only in a dream could you possibly feel this kind of chemistry with Jungkook, but you don't care that it's not reality—it feels too good.

A lock of his blue-black hair dips over his forehead as he tongues his lip piercing. You almost gasp at the raw sensuality of it, and the look in his eyes says he knows exactly what he's doing to you.

This man is so incredibly hot.

Just when you think you'll combust if you have to wait any longer to touch him, Dream-Jungkook starts to move. Holding your gaze, he strides into your space. You feel his breath on your lips as his face comes slowly toward you.

One hand eases up to cradle the back of your head as the other finds your lower back, pulling you to him. Jungkook nuzzles his face into your neck and hair and inhales deeply, savoring your scent.

"You. Are. Delicious."

His words send a thrill through your body. This man is god's gift to humanity, and he's got his hands all over you. You reach up and tangle your fingers in his sleek, glorious hair.

Encouraged by your reaction, Jungkook's lips find your collarbone and press softly against you. You feel the wet flick of his tongue on a sensitive spot.

"Jungkook," you whisper, full of desire.

Your hand drifts down from his neck, over his chest, down, down, down, desperate to feel more of him. Feeling bold, your hand passes over the front of his pants. You can already feel him getting hard. It drives you wild.

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