Chapter eight: Back to the island

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The helicopter landed and they pushed Madeleine out of the helicopter. You got out after her. Why didn't I get pushed out? Why am I not being man handled like Madeleine? You answered the question yourself. Because I'm Safin's only daughter. You stayed at the back of the group, eyes on the ground. Safin was at the ground, leading the group. You dreaded the time when you had to talk to him. Especially in front of Madeleine and her child. If the secret slipped she would blab to James and James would blab to M and who knows what would happen to you. Safin was talking to Madeleine. She looked like she would explode out of fear. What did your dad do to her? Then you remembered.

you were woken by the sound of helicopter blades. You walked out of your room and saw your fathers helicopter landing. Your father stumbled out, still in his snow jacket and holding his gun. His mask was broken and now you could see a part of his face. You ran up to him. "What happened? Are you okay?" He nodded.

"I'll be fine."

"What happened?" You followed him into the compound.

"It's nothing." He said. "I was just cleaning some things up."

"What things?" You asked.

"Family problems." He left you standing in a hallway.

He had killed Madeleine's parents. And he had said 'family problems'. You didn't have a family. Madeleine did. She had her child, James. You felt something bubble up inside you. Jealousy. The group stopped in a room where you saw the Russian scientist hand him a vial. He saw you and fear filled his eyes. You tilted your head and smiled. He noticed you had no guards pushing you away like Madeleine.

"You work for Safin?" He asked.

"No." You said, walking off. "They just treat me nice here." You walked after the group. After a while you found them in the poison garden. Safin was walking down the ramp with Madeleine's daughter in his arms. He was holding her with care which made your body ache. Madeleine ran down the ramp but was stopped by Primo. She walked along the edge of the garden with Primo following her. You walked down the ramp and followed them. You saw Safin showing the kid a plant. The girl reached out to touch it.

"Mathilde!" Madeleine said. "Don't!" Mathilde took her hand away.

"This plant makes you behave." Safin said. He looked up at Madeleine. "And your mother sorely needs it." Guards pulled Madeleine away and she screamed something to Mathilde. The girl was crying. Safin looked at you. This was the moment you had been dreading. "You've grown since I last saw you." He got up and walked toward you, still holding Mathilde.

"Stay away from me." You choked out. He stopped. "You left!" You said. "And you never came back! What kind of father is that?!" Mathilde went rigid. She was going to tell.

"I'm sorry-" Safin began.

"You aren't." You said. "You aren't sorry. You were never sorry." Safin nodded to Primo and he walked over to you.

"Move." Primo ordered. "Now." You followed him into the vacilittly, not looking back.


Primo was guarding Madeleine in a room. She had a cup of tea in front of her. You watched from the corner in silence.

"Do you know what this does?" Primo didn't answer. "It makes you blind." She looked behind her at Primo. "Losing one eye is a tragedy." She splashed the tea in his face. Primo yelled and stumbled back. Madeleine ran to you, grabbed your wrist and pulled you out. You slammed the door on Primo. "Where is Mathilde?" Madeleine asked.

"Last time I saw her she was with Safin." You followed Madeleine away from the room Primo was in. "Do you know where to look?" You asked Madeleine. She shook her head.

"I'm going to ask around."

"What if they don't answer you?" You asked.

"Then you're going to try." Madeleine gave you a hard look. "Why weren't Safin's men pushing you around? They let you walk free." You shrugged. You didn't really have an answer for this. Except the truth. And you were definitely NOT going to tell her that. "Answer me y/n." Madeleine ordered.

"I don't know." You lied. "I guess they didn't feel the need to. And besides I have no connection to James except we know each other and we've been on several missions together. He cares more about you and Mathilde than he does me. I'm expendable. You aren't." Madeleine didn't say anything and led you farther into the facility. She might have caught your lie but you hoped not. If she finds Mathilde, Mathilde will blab to her, if James finds her (he probably will), she'll blab to him. And then I'm dead. You hear gunshots. Madeleine freezes in front of you and you stop listening. More gunshots. Then silence. "We should go to where the gunshots were." You suggested.

"No, are you crazy?!" Madeleine said. "You could get shot!" 

"It's just one bullet." You said. "And I would get a gun and start firing back."

"And how would you get a gun?" Madeleine asked.

"I would tackle someone for it." You said calmly. "Then I would use their body as a shield then over turn a table and hide behind a table."

"That is a terrible plan." Madeleine said. "I have a better one."

"Oh yeah, and what's that?" You said.

"We hide until James gets here." Madeleine said triumphantly.

"Wow." You said sarcastically, rolling your eyes. "Great plan. We could get captured in that time frame AND we could also get hurt. And you don't want to get the slightest scratch because it's out of your comfort zone." You walked past Madeleine to where you thought you heard the gunshots.

About 10 minutes later you heard some more gunshots. You ran up to where you heard them.

You got there at the same time as Madeleine. You saw James in a room with four guards lying dead in the corners.

"James!" Madeleine said. James turned and pointed the gun in your direction. He lowered it when he saw it was you. "Where is she?" James pointed down.

You followed them down a level. You entered a room with a circular table. James shot at the ceiling and the people in the room fled. You heard something once you were on the other side of the room. You, James, and Madeleine turned. Mathilde crawled out from under the table and said something else. Madeleine ran over to her and hugged her. Mathilde's eyes found you. She said something else and Madeleine pulled away and asked something short. Mathilde pointed at you. Madeleine looked at you.

"You little..." Fear filled your body and you stumbled back, the fear showing. Madeleine stood up. "You're Safin's-" You turned and ran.

"Hey!" James yelled. You slammed a door behind you and kept running. They knew. The door banged openen and James ran through, followed by Madeleine carrying Mathilde. James grabbed your arm and you yanked it away.

"Stay away from me!" You yelled. 

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