Chapter twelve: Regret, pain, and bad memories

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Nomi opened the door to the cell. There was a glass panel separating you from Safin.

"You'll be watching, right?" You asked.

"Always." Nomi closed the door behind you, sealing your fate.

"Hello y/n." Your father was sitting calmly in a metal chair with his hands bound together by handcuffs.

"Hi dad." You said, hesitating before saying dad. "Why did you want to see me?"

"I heard you made contact with your brother." You nodded. "How is our dear Logan doing?" Safin's calmness made you shiver.

"He's doing fine." You said, fighting hard to hold the shivering out of your voice. "Well, he's as fine as someone can be with a bullet in his leg." Safin raised his eyebrow. "I shot him in the leg." You explained. "It was a while ago before me, James, and Nomi went to the poison garden." You felt like some secrets you, Safin, or Ash would want to come out would come out. And MI6 would be right there to soak it all up.

"Do you know why Bond spared my life?" Safin asked. You shrugged.

"I don't know. He could have had a spout of sympathy."

"He did it for you." Safin said, dragging the last part out for dramatic effect. "He must have wanted you not to be sad, or feel regret that you let me die."

"Why would I regret your death?" You asked. "You left me when I was 10. Logan was right to leave."

"But look how he ended up." Safin said. "Working for me." You didn't say anything.

"Why did you want to talk to me?" You said.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"Lies." You hissed.

"I'm not lying." Safin said. "I'm your father. I want to know if you're okay."

"If you want me to be okay you should have never left!" You said. "Even though Logan's working for you, he's lucky he left before you did. But he should have taken me with him." You stood up and walked to the door. Safin didn't say anything. You didn't want him to. You opened the door and was tempted to slam it behind you but didn't. Nomi walked over to you. Tanner and James followed her. Oh god Tanner. He would blab to M for sure, no doubt about it.

"Are you okay?" Nomi asked. "You seem... different from when you went in."

"I'm fine." You said.

"y/n is there something you need to tell us?" James asked.

"What?" You said.

"You have a brother." James said. Tanner looked at him.

"You knew Safin was her father?!" James hesitated then nodded. "Why haven't you told M?" No one answered. "You need to tell M!" Tanner insisted.

"We're not telling M." You said firmly. "And if you do, I'll find you."

"And do what?" Tanner taunted. "Kill me? You'll be under arrest!"

"Not if I get to you first." Nomi and James held you back. Tanner grinned.

"You can't touch me." You break free from Nomi and James' grip.

"Oh I will." You said.


"Why didn't you tell us Ash was your brother?!" James asked.

"Did I really need to?" You asked. "You already know I'm related to Safin!"

"We need to know!" James said. "It's important!" You sighed.

"You know now."

"We would have liked to know earlier." James said.

"Why was Tanner there?" You changed the subject.

"M wanted him to be there." Nomi said. "There's no arguing with M."

"Yeah." You said. "And there's no way to stop Tanner from blabbing to M." James and Nomi looked down. "I'm screwed." You said. "I should have never gone in there."

"You didn't have a choice." Nomi told you.

"Yes I did." You said. "I could have not gone through the door." No one said anything. "Is cyclops doing anything?" You asked.

"No." Nomi said. "He's quiet."

"I'm surprised he can still see." James said. "Madeleine said she blinded him." Madeleine.

"How is Madeleine?" You asked, fighting hard not to let James know you didn't care.

"She's doing good." James said. "She hasn't been getting a good sleep because Mathilde keeps having nightmares." You didn't fake the frown.

"Poor Mathilde." You said. "She should have never been brought into this mess." James nodded.

"Speaking of them," James said. "I'm going to go check in on them." You watched as he hurried away. He seems happy to get out of this place. You thought. Well, anyone would be. The world is dirty, and we're the ones who have to clean it up.


Total word count (excluding authors notes): 13775 

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