Niall Horan Imagine

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Imagine your at a concert by yourself Becouse your best friend got sick . You get to the venue and walk up to the ticket person and hand him you ticket

" Oh . I'm sorry but we over booked on that area so we bumped you up to center stage " your face lights up and you take the ticket stub and walk in and start for the stage .

After making your way past screaming girls you find your seat . Your directly in the middle . You sit down , and minutes later the show starts .

They come on stage in phone booths and when they walk out the crowed goes even crazier . They start singing LWWY and you even find yourself fan girling .

Niall walks up to the center of the stage and you notice there doing a mash up with WMYB

And Niall sings " Baby you light up my world like nobody else " and he looks straight at you and and smiles .

You can't breath anymore and you see your life flash before your eyes . Soon enough it's intermission and you sit down and feel a hand on your shoulder and turn and see Paul

" Excuse me miss but Niall would like a word with you " you nod an follow him trying to avoid the death glares from the other girls . You go down a long hallway and reach a room the says " Green Room " he opens the door and you walk in the room " wait here miss "

you wait for about five minuets and hear loud screaming from out side the door , you walk towards it and it flys open and you see the infamous Niall Horan slamming the door shut " Um Hello ?"

he looks at you and his eyes widen . You wanna scream in excitement (because you know your meeting Niall freaking Horan ) but you manage to hold it back .

"There you are love " he locks the door and walks me over to the Black leather couch and we sit down " why did you call me back here ?" he looks at the ground ad starts blushing

" Uh we'll , I was wondering if you wan- " a guy banged on the door * times up Niall get back * " he looks disappointed " well I have I go but would you wanna meet me back here after the show ? "

his accent is really showing ..." yeah sure why not " you and Niall walk out of the room and part ways . You walk down the long Hallway and ponder on all that has happened in the last hour .

You make your way to your seat just as they enter on stage . You sit down and see Niall talking to Louis and pointing t you , you feel your cheeks start to burn and slump into your seat .

You feel your phone tingle in your pocket and see you friends name on the screen * Hey ! How's it going ?!* ha how's it going ? This is the best night ever it can't get any better than this you think to your self * it's going pretty good ...I met Niall Horan..*

you put your phone away and your eyes return straight to the beautiful Niall Horan and notice the music stopped and they were talking to each other sound the twitter questions .

You quickly take out your phone and go to Nialls twitter and post " Why did you take me back stage ? - Y/N " you wait a little bit and see your tweet on the screen . They look at it then Niall and Niall to me . His face lights up red from Embarrassment

" Niall I think this is you question ! " Louie laughs and the others join " Well oh .. Um ...your beautiful and I just can't keep my eyes off of you Y/N . " Every one goes silent even the boys . You just stare at him and him and what feels like every one else's there is staring at you .

" Okay..Next question " Louis says . They finish answering the question and finish the show . You get up and walk back stage , You feel someone come up behind you and put there hands around your waist and pick you up .

Walk you to the " Green Room" and set you Down , you turn around and notice Niall standing behind you and the boys in front " So your the girl Niall's swooning over " you look to see a curly headed boy staring at you along with the others

Niall Horan and Harry styles imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now