19. The Enemy

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Bernard had reviewed some of Lark's previous lessons and let her and Sara leave early. Sara had been enraptured by the handsome tutor and hung on his every word. Bernard had liked her immediately and offered her several books about local plants. As Sara and Lark exited the office Sara was elated. She had opened one of the books before they even reached their chambers and chattered excitedly to Lark about its contents. They had several hours before sunset and Lark's lesson with Lady Terra so they spent some time reading in the small private garden on a large blanket with a platter of food. It was a blissful sunny afternoon and they took breaks regularly to discuss their readings. King dropped by and approached confidently, feeling less intimidated by Sara as she lounged on the wide blanket. Lark fed him some fruit from their plate and he stole a few pieces on his own before disappearing into the main courtyard.

They didn't head inside until the sun was low and golden. Sara helped Lark fix her hair and walked with her to the courtyard to attend Lady Ferra's lesson. Though they didn't know it, Vayn watched them intently from the harem hall with a scowl on her face as they met Ferra at a central bench beneath a willow tree. Sara curtsied neatly as Lark introduced her and then wandered throughout the flower beds as Lark and Ferra discussed guidelines for dining and dancing. Sara was intimidated by the beautiful woman and her outdated garb. Lark hadn't told her that Ferra was a vampiress but Sara was immediately struck by the woman's presence and by the end of their lesson she knew it must be true. Ferra's language was old-fashioned and had an aged quality that Sara had never heard before. However she quelled her anxiety when she approached the pair to collect Lark to return to their chambers and Ferra offered her a polite smile. Despite the woman's coolness and lofty attitude she was comforted by the gesture. As they left her in the courtyard Lark explained her tutor more thoroughly.

"Lady Ferra is a vampiress," Lark confirmed. "She was brought here to be my tutor. My former teacher Madame Fawst is the matron of the harem so it was decided that she may not be unbiased. She has certainly been more cruel since I returned." Lark's face clouded.

"Is Lady Ferra strict? She seems intimidating," Sara asked to distract her. Lark nodded.

"She is intimidating. But she has been nothing but pleasant since our first meeting. She is certainly strict but I have yet to sense any dislike or disapproval. I understand her presence is an honor." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "I actually like her. She is very constructive and complimentary. And so beautiful."

Both women stole a quick glance back at the Lady. She was seated gracefully on the bench with a book in her hands. The scene was like the painting of a master. She glanced up to meet their eyes and they looked away quickly trying to stifle their giggles.

As they entered their chambers Lark felt anticipation wash over her. August would return tonight and her excitement had only increased since receiving his letter. Sara noticed her pacing and restlessness. She grinned at Lark suggestively.

"Is this because the Master is returning?" she teased.

Lark sighed but her eyes were amused.

"Perhaps," she retorted. "Do not concern yourself."

Sara rolled her eyes and pulled Lark down onto the couch to eat their dinner.

"Relax, Lark. Thinking of him won't help him arrive any sooner. Will you tell me about him?"

"He is esteemed throughout the continent and though his kingdom is small it is peaceful, prosperous, and safe. He has dark hair and eyes. His voice is low and quiet like thunder. He is generous and understanding. I learned from Bernard that he is many centuries old. Time seems to have calmed him. He was once more ruthless but now he seems gentle."

Lark twisted her necklace dreamily and Sara reached out to inspect it.

"Did he give you this?" she asked. Lark nodded.

"As I said he is very generous. These chambers, gowns, jewelry, books were all gifts. I am honored to receive them. I never would have dreamed a pet's life could be like this. I feel foolish for trying to escape."

But Sara shook her head.

"It isn't foolish to want to be free," she assured her. "You came back on your own. So in a way you are free still. That is why the rest of the harem is so angry. They are jealous of your freedom and that it has made you favored."

Lark could hear August's voice echo in her mind.

"I find unwilling blood to be bitter. One grows tired of the taste of suffering."

She felt her emotions twist in her stomach. She felt guilt for abandoning the harem that had welcomed her. The other women had been here far longer and had all struggled to become relevant to their master. But instead of being rewarded for their loyalty and dedication, a new woman had entered the harem, abandoned her new station, and then returned to be essentially promoted. She now had chambers of her own and a handmaid as well. She even had a more privileged and respected tutor, a vampiress no less. The harem's many years of effort were wasted if none among them had a chance of ever being favored while Lark lived in the castle. The Lord had still invited them to dinner occasionally before leaving on his Hygate mission but his appearances had become rarer and rarer. He had spent time away in the past but the women knew it was Lark's influence. When he did speak to them he often spoke of her.

Vayn was having similar thoughts in her own room, surrounded by the intricate tapestries that decorated its walls. She had brought them from her home village and the one hanging over her bed was her most treasured possession as it had been made by her mother. She traced its curving designs with her eyes but her head swam with anger and jealousy. August had been closer to her than any of the other harem women. She had requested him most often for dinners and feedings. She had waited in his chambers as Ariane described to Lark in her cell. She had entered after dinner while he was in a meeting. The guard had permitted her entry when she offered a bribe of jewelry and she had slipped out of her gown and laid languidly on August's bed and waited for him to return. She had certainly looked elegant, even intoxicating, but all she received from her master was an amused smile before he sent her away. He could taste her hunger for power in her blood. He knew she was ruthless and calculating. Though he found her fascinating she knew her hardened heart would never love him. It would only lust for power, wealth, and influence. He knew that her loyalty would easily waver if she found a better prospect or opportunity. He had often considered training her to be a soldier but she preferred luxury and put her bloodlust to use in more subtle and insidious ways.

Vayn sat up angrily in her bed. She knew she would have to get rid of Lark. But Lark was sheltered and wary. Vayn cursed herself for revealing her true feelings. If she had welcomed Lark back into the harem initially she could have already deceived and destroyed the interloper. Now she would need to rely on stealth and patience. Her eyes flickered ominously and fixed on the long ornamental dagger hanging over her doorway. She gazed at it for a few long minutes and hardened her heart once and for all towards Lark. She was the enemy. The sounds and bustling of August's arrival shook her from her daze and she smiled slowly. He always greeted the harem after trips like this one. It would be her opportunity to feign innocence and concern for Lark. Her skills in manipulation were unmatched. As she slipped quickly into her most alluring and revealing gown she turned words and scenarios over in her head and prepared to face her future. 

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