Chapter 7

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The two of them were laying in Camila's bed, sated from their night of exploring each other's bodies again for the first time in years.

"This is going to end horribly," Lauren whispered.

Camila gave her a lop-sided grin, brushing some of the raven-haired woman's hair out of her face. "Who cares?"

"You've always been like this,"

"Like what?"

"So reckless," Lauren shifted slightly closer, wanting to be wrapped up in the younger woman's warmth. "But I think I kind of like that about you,"


She bit down on her lip to stop herself from smiling. "Yeah,"

"Good," Camila lost all self-restraint and leaned forward to press a chaste kiss on her lips. "Are you hungry?"

"It's..." Lauren turned her head to look at the clock. "Three o'clock in the morning,"

"I can make breakfast," she tried to get out of bed but ended up getting pulled back in by Lauren.

"Stay," she mumbled. "Just a bit longer. You're warm."

Camila nodded dumbly, laying down and allowing Lauren to rest her head on her chest.

"It was a mixtape," she said out of the blue.

"What?" The older woman lifted her head to get a clearer look at Camila's face.

"Your graduation gift—I made you a mixtape. I put all of the songs that reminded me of you on there and burned it onto a CD."

"You're fucking with me. You do realize we have streaming services, right?"

Camila pursed her lips into a straight line. "Well... Yeah, but I thought a CD would've been more thoughtful, I guess. My mom always talked about how my dad made one for her and I figured you'd like one."

"We hated each other," Lauren furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "We literally argued for no reason back then. Still kind of do, actually."

"I don't think I ever hated you," her voice came out softer and quieter than she expected. "Your parents gave my mom a job and... Even though we did argue, you were the closest person I had to a friend. Life wasn't so lonely when you were around."

A comfortable silence settled over them until Lauren spoke up again.

"What songs were on there?"

"You're seriously not doing this to me right now."

"I'm curious! You can't just say you made me a mixtape and expect me not to ask what was on there."

"I think I still have it," Camila untangled their limbs and grabbed a pair of clean briefs before she opened up her closet. "Unless my mom threw out my high school memorabilia box when I moved in." She ruffled through the boxes at the top until she found it.

Lauren sat up in the bed, pulling the sheets up to cover her bare chest. "No fucking way,"

"This is so goddamn embarrassing," Camila ran a hand over her face. "Like, this is going to be at the top of my list of most embarrassing things I've ever done."

"Hand it over, Cabello,"

"You don't even have a CD player,"

The raven-haired woman pointed to the one in the corner of Camila's room that was on top of her shelf next to a bunch of photographs. "But you do,"

"Absolutely not," Camila shook her head in disagreement. "You're not playing it here—not in front of me."

"Stop being so stubborn," Lauren batted her eyelashes, pouting. "You're being an ass,"

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