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co writer ActionInfinity

Y/N Saltzman was in the car  with her dad. She was moving  home  after having a hard  time being away at boarding school so her dad took her out and enrolled her in Mystic Falls high school . She saw the sign welcome to Mystic Falls; she also knew that the town was no normal town . "I know you don't like moving around  but I promise you will get used to this town sweetheart ." Y/n sighs "It's not the moving around that bugs  me dad it's hiding the fact of why we move." Her dad sighs, tapping the steering wheel at his daughter's statement. "Look, I'm sorry that it has to be this way. But I am a vampire hunter." She rolled her eyes looking out the window mumbling. "I know that you trained me since I was 10 dad " Ric keeps driving  . "We will be staying here for a long time ok . I think that was what was making you feel left out in school " . 

Meanwhile at the Forbes house Caroline was in her sisters room talking about the new girl coming to town . "So I hear a new student is moving to your school sis. What happened? " Caroline knew almost everything about a girl that hadn't even entered the town yet. ''She got kicked out of her old school, come on details girl." Caroline was the one person who had to know everyone in the town no matter what. "Well I just hope there isn't a party tonight...since I won't be able to go." Y/n's smile dropped mentioning that there was a full moon coming tonight. Caroline sat down with her sister laying her head on her shoulder sucking in a breath. "I'm sorry you have to turn like that. I can't imagine how painful that is for you." Y/n lifts her head up, shoving her sister off her shoulder playfully. "Okay this is getting too sad. Let's figure out what we're wearing to school." Caroline smiled at her sister trying to change the subject. She always hated talking about sad moments when they were growing up because the girls were in high school and had the whole world to explore. That was Caroline's dream for when they graduated. But Y/n only hoped that she could find a one of a kind love somewhere. 

Y/N was in her room puting the last box away when she heard someone walk inside she grabbed a wooden stack and was ready to attack  .  "Hey Ric you home ?" Said the voice he was looking around  when he heard a click and he froze. "Who are you vampire and how do you know my father ?" Ric walks in and gasps  "Oh crap Damon, I told you to text me " The vampire named Damon just shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry phone  died now, can you tell Buffy here to stand down?" Damon pointed his index finger at her standing in the doorway. "Oh sorry. Honey It's ok he's a friend of mine why don't you get your stuff for school " Y/N went to her room and got ready for school . 

"What the hell Ric you never told me you had a daughter. " Ric puts up his daughter's weapon in the drawer. "She was at boarding school and you guys never asked" Damon scratches his head still seeing Elena in this room somehow. "So why is she here now and why does she look like Elena ?" Ric sighs remembering  the promise he made years ago . 

"Don't worry about that, ok its not your problem " . Damon  scoffs  "what is it that your hiding from us ?"  Ric looks at his friend . "In time I will tell you but for now you must trust me " .  Ric leaves with his daughter. As they headed to school she asked in shock.  "So your friends are with vampires  even though you hunt them?" Ric nervously laughs rubbing the back of his neck with his freehand. "Yeah that's a long story". Damon however wasn't  ltoo sure about rics daughter  so he made a stop at the police station. 

At the station Liz saw Damon in her office. "What's wrong Damon?" Damon leans on her desk crossing his arms. "I need a big favor Liz " She sighs, already having to cover up missing blood bags because of vampires. "What is it?" She sits down looking at her trusted friend. "Turns out Alaric has a daughter that he didn't tell anyone about. I need You to look into it." Liz pressed her fingers to her forehead. "That's an invasion of privacy.." Damon simply replied.  "I know but his daughter looks like Elena." Liz pushed her chair back, getting to her feet opening the door of her office. "I can't do that Damon. Not unless she commits a crime. Now please leave. I have work to do."  Damon leaves the room thinking of a different way to find out just who this girl is.  

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