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co author with  ActionInfinity
Mystic high Y/n was walking to her locker when she saw a bunch of popular guys picking on some 9th graders so she decided to teach them a lesson "Hey didn't you know it's wrong to pick on kids  younger than you ?" The guys looked over at her. She could  tell one of them was a supernatural being but she couldn't use her weapon at school so many people will see. The boy walks over to her . "You must be new here because everyone knows not to pick a fight with Tyler Lockwood. 

" Y/n laughed and crossed her arms . "Ok and what that gives you the right to pick on others ?" He was about to punch her when another girl stepped in with blonde hair stepping in between us she crossed her arms over her chest. "Back off Tyler or I'll tell my sister you're causing trouble again." He rolled his eyes before the blonde turned to me, sticking her hand out introducing herself. "Hi sorry about him. I'm Y/n Forbes. What's your name?" Y/n stuck her hand out shaking back with a smile that reminded the Forbes girl of someone but she wasn't sure who. "I'm Y/n, Y/n Saltzman."  

"As in Alaric Saltzman? '' the girl asked.  "Yeah that's me alright why is everyone shocked about it ?"  "Will we never knew he had a daughter but welcome to mystic high . Y/N nods "thanks and thank you for stepping in when you did i mean i would stop him but don't need my dad yelling at me on my first  day " . She felt something  was different about y/n forbes. But didnt say anything, they just went to class . And from there it was a chilled day . By the end of the day y/n went to the grill to do homework she sat down having something  to eat and drink she looked up and saw the vampire Damon  from this morning. "Can I help you Damon ?"  He leans back looking at her . "Why didn't your dad tell us about you?" She sighs rubbing her forehead ''I don't know, maybe he didn't want people to know. I mean he's a hunter Damon ok like i dont keep track of my fathers reasons to hide me." . She picks up her stuff and pays and leaves the grill . 

Damon leaves when he sees Ric walks over to him and punches him . "You had to go behind my back to Liz to look up my daughter ? " Damon scoffs "I wouldn't have to if you would be honest with me Ric. " Ric then punches him again and a big fight breaks out and Ric is taken to the Station so was Damon. Elena walks in looking at Ric . "Are you nuts? What are you thinking, you guys aren't teenagers, you know ."  Elena sighs looking at Damon. He shrugged "Don't look at me i didn't start it" Elena rolls her eyes. "Let's go both of you." Ric leaves the room till his daughter walks in and sees Elena. "Who are you ?" Ric sighs directing his hand between the two "Elena this is my daughter y/n . Y/n this is Elena ." Damon looks to the doppelganger. "What's up?" Ric and his daughter leaves and elena looks at damon 

"Why does she look like me?" Damon sighs "i don't know i was trying to find out but he wont tell me "  he walks past her but Elena stops him .  "Don't go after her damon "  he looks at her . "Why, you broke up with me so why do you care if i go after her . I know one thing if she's in danger i won't let her get hurt " 

Y/n Forbes ran around her room knowing that a full moon was to happen tonight. “Sis, let me come with you.” Caroline tried to persuade her sister but she declined. “Care, it's too dangerous. You’re a vampire and if you get bitten...then you’ll die.” Caroline brushes her hair from her eyes sighing in frustration knowing that you were right. A werewolf bite could kill her and they hadn’t found a cure yet. Not even a witch like Bonnie could fix it. Y/n put her backpack with chains, wolfsbane and a change of clothes over her shoulder. She left the house running as fast as she could towards the woods hearing a wolf already howling in the distance. Her ankles broke as she drank the painful liquid before her eyes glowed gold. She’d learned that if you just let it happen then the pain wouldn’t be so horrible. Once she had transformed she looked at her grey wolf coat in a puddle of water on the ground. Twigs snapped, making her growl, sticking her claws out. The stranger she saw was dressed in a suit but didn’t go near her as she smelt vampires blood. The man simply resumed his walk without a care.

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