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Y/N didn't want to know why she looked like Elena so she just pushed it back to her head and decided to go to the bonfire that was being held. Just to get out of the apartment she left . And Ric was alone when there was a knock on the door. He opened it and saw Damon and Elena . "Oh lucky me I got the top of you." Elena and Damon walk in the house. "Why does your daughter look like me? Said a very angry Elena. Ric walks to the living room and sits down. He couldn't tell them the truth yet so he decided to tell a different story. "Look y/n was adopted by me when she was a few weeks old ok. I never met the birth parents, just that Y/n was abandoned at the hospital. I was there and I took custody of the child.  And she's been my daughter since." 

Damon sighs not believing his drinking buddies story. "So is she a doppelganger like Elena cuz she looks just like her? "  

Alaric laughs while opening a bottle of beer. "Ha ya right but no….she's not at least I think not." He looks at the both of them, sensing that the pair aren't agreeing with his answer. "Look Y/N doesn't know about her birth parents ok she thinks they died in a crash." Damon and Elena look at him asking at the same time. "So she knows you're not her birth father?" Ric corrected them, aiming his index finger at the pair's question. "Yes, I told her  I adopted her. But that's it." Damon sighs, running a hand down his face finally giving up. "Fine I wont say a word but you better not be lying to us...anymore." 

Later at the fire Y/N was walking around the woods. She needed to get away from the drinking so she went for a walk. When she was attacked  by a vampire. "I've been wanting my revenge on you Katherine!" The vampire revealed their fangs snarling in her face. Y/N was gasping for air, trying to remove the vampire's arm from her throat. "I'm not who you think I am dumb ass!" She was starting  to lose her vision when she was freed when the vampire got tackled to the ground. Y/n fell to the ground seeing a wolf growing on the vampire's chest. She couldn't figure out what happened next because she passed out in the middle of the woods. Not too far from her in the woods a man was watching what was happening  with the girl and the wolf. So he called Damon. Damon got a call from an unknown number. "Hello?" He heard the voice reply. "You may want to get to the hospital. Alaric's daughter is being brought in." Klaus hangs up and takes off. 

Running the woods in my wolf form I smelt a vampire off in the distance so I followed it. Coming over the hill I saw a vampire holding Ric's daughter up against the tree. Launching myself up on my back legs I tackle it to the ground growling. The vampire tried to knock me off but I bit his wrist knowing my bite could kill them. He stopped fighting, vamping away before I sniffed the air, finding blood. Turning on my heels I found Y/n passed out on the ground which causes me to howl out hoping someone will find us since I can't turn human again until morning. 

Alaric's Pov

Bursting into the hospital I rushed to the front desk and my mind was running ragged.  "Y/n Saltzman, where is she?" The nurse pointed towards the end of the hall directing. "Last door on the left." I ran down the hall sliding and making my shoes screech on the tilt floor. Pressing my hands on the window I see her laying in the hospital bed. An iv in her right arm and a bandage on her forehead while she slept. Footsteps approached me, making me turn my head slightly seeing Damon. "Hey look, Ric Klaus called me-" I cut him off, slamming him up against the wall. Reaching into my pocket I pressed a small vermin dart against his throat that burned him. "You did this. You couldn't just leave her alone, could you Damon!" Damon cracked out wincing at the burns on his throat. "Ric I - I didn't do anything - I swear." I shove him harder against the wall until someone comes down the hallway, rippling me away from Damon. "Stop it Alaric!" My eyes stared at Caroline's mom, Sheriff Forbes. "The doctor came back with the results. So calm down and listen to me, Alaric." 

Liz P.O.V

I got a call from the hospital  saying there was an attack on a girl so I left for the hospital  and I saw my daughter Y/N there. "Y/N what are you doing here?" She replied picking a leaf from her hair. "I'm the one who found her and called 911. Mom, is she going to be ok?"  Looking at my daughter I simply explained. "I hope so honey. I'm writing for the results." I then was handed  the results and I saw Ric and Damon fighting at the end of the hallway. "Y/N go in the room now and see if Ric's daughter is ok. I have to deal with this." She ran off as I went over to the boys pulling them apart. 

"ENOUGH  i have the results and it wasn't damon who attacked her

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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