Small Plan

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Cain had finally let go of Camilo and touched his own cheeks.

"I'm sorry for having you do that." Cain apologized. Camilo just shook his head and smiled.

"I really didn't mind it at all. Although, we should go to the funeral or else my Abuela would pretty much kill me." Camilo claimed. Cain got up as they both left that cabin alone, heading back towards the town.


Eric was holding a clipboard filled with people's names. He was checking in with everyone, which gave him an upper hand as he would now know who was who within the village. He smiled as his next target was a beautiful dark-skin girl who had long braids that was right below her hips. He would stare from time to time, making sure to inspect every part of her.

"Eric," Abuela said walking over towards him. Eric gripped the clip board and looked back at her.

"Yes?" he replied. Abuela rubbed her hands together with a weak smile. She had thanked him again for coming and helping attend the funeral. Eric just told her not to worry much as this would be a sad but good start to eliminating those who choose to danger others.

"I really wouldn't like to choose blood on the battle ground. We've just never had to deal with something or someone like this. It's our first time since this has happened." Abuela sighed then looked around to see Camilo and Cain walking over to them. Eric looked over and gave a small frown as seeing Cain's appearance. He was not pleased to see someone else by Camilo's side. Had that man also been aiming for Camilo? Was he a vampire? Or something else? This is going to be a lot of trouble for Eric as he needed to get rid of that man right away.

"Who is this with you?" Alma asked, looking up at Cain. Camilo was a bit stuck as how to explain this to Abuela without exposing too much about Cain being the demon. His mouth was opened, but his voice was not coming out until Cain stepped up.

"Please call me Kai. I'm not from here at all. I'm actually from a village far away, but I got lost traveling. He was kind enough to pick me up and let me learn about your village." Cain lied through his teeth, but Abuela took the bait. Although, Eric was still on edge about this Kai. Abuela gave a slight smile and nodded as she bowed to greet him. Cain quickly bowed back to create a peace between the two. Eric stepped up a bit in front of Abuela and stuck his arm out, exposing his guilty hand.

Eric smiled. "Hello there Kai, I'm Eric. I'm also not from here, but I protect the people. I'm here in order to kill the demon in the cave as he is causing problems between each and every village. I'm quite certain that you might've heard something about this if you're from another far away village?"

Cain gulped hearing those words come from a disgusting man voice.

"Yes, I've been quite away of this demon. I'm not sure how to feel about him since there was no girl that has been chosen from us. Although, how can we be so sure that this is the demon's doing?"

Eric's eye twitched a bit as something about this man had easily pissed him off so fucking much.

"I agree! How do we know this demon is the root of this problem? What if it was someone else?" Camilo defended. The three of them looked quite surprised by Camilo's voice. Camilo did a small hair flipped with his curls and gave a confident nod. Cain invaded the awkwardness with a small chuckle from Camilo just being Camilo. "Hey! Don't laugh! How can we even trust words!? Haven't we learned our own lesson from Tio Bruno!? All these rumors and he never turned out as bad as how we had made him!"

"Camilo!" Abuela harshly said to shush him in front of Eric. Eric placed his finger onto his own chin.

"I guess you might have a point, but why would it be the father of the girl? Wouldn't it make sense for the suspect to be the demon?"

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