𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙚𝙣

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content warning - read with caution or don't read at all if you are uncomfortable with the following topics: thoughts of self harm/suicide.

   You had gotten ready just in time to get there at 1:28. Before you left, you ducked silently into Vincent's room to check on him. He was still asleep. You wrote a small note for him that you left on the bedside table: 'had to interview someone! i'm sorry i left, but i'll be back soon :) - Y/N'.

   Now you were at the restaurant, standing just outside the doors. You were on your phone while you waited for Christine and her little brother to show up. You glanced at the time - it turned from 1:29 to 1:30, and a car pulled up and parked just in front of Circus Baby's Pizza World. If that's them, then Jesus, are they punctual.

   It was them.

   A very tall girl stepped out of the driver's seat and went around to the passenger's before even looking at you. She opened the door for a boy who looked to be about 14. Once he was out, the door closed, and the pair approached you. Christine dipped her head.

   "You're the person I talked to on the phone?" She asked, her voice monotone. She sure knew how to make a person uncomfortable.

   You nodded up at her piercing dark gaze. She looked rich to you - her clothes were very neat and professional. She wore a black sweater with a white collar, and a pleated black skirt that went halfway down her thighs. Her skin seemed to be imperfection-free. The gold eyeshadow she wore at the inner corners of her eyes was probably the only colorful thing about her, and it perfectly complemented her dark bronze skin tone. Her hair was braided in neat rows.

   She carried herself with such dignity that it freaked you out, but what was more shocking was the contrast between her and her brother.

   "This is Ray," She said, gently bringing the timid boy forward. He refused to look you in the eye, and was trembling a little, but he still managed to say:


   You felt a little bad for the kid. You didn't want to make him any more uncomfortable, so you just asked a basic question, and one you really needed to know the answer to.

   "How old are you, Ray?"

   He stiffened a little, but straightened his shoulders and pushed his wavy black hair out of his face to look up at you.

   "I'm 15," He said. "I turn 16 in two months."

   Holy shit, does he look young, You thought, shocked. With the boy's demeanor and all, you hadn't expected him to seriously be old enough for a job here. He just seemed so small and ghostly with his pale olive skin and vest that seemed too big for him.

   "...Nice," You responded. "Why don't we head inside where it's warmer? You two can look around, and then I can do the interview in..."

   It occurred to you that you didn't have an office. You guessed you would have to use Vincent's, which would be difficult to navigate. You just hoped he didn't leave anything lying around.

   "Yeah, let's just go in," Said Christine. You nodded and pulled the keys to the restaurant out of your back pocket.

   They jingled as you unlocked the door. Gently, you pushed it open and held it. The siblings entered the restaurant gratefully, and Christine was immediately surveying her surroundings. You gulped, feeling a need to say something.

   "It isn't completely finished yet. We're just trying to get employees before we open."

   "Lovely," Christine nodded. "Anyway, could you begin the interview? I won't eavesdrop."

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