030. "it's a night like that but I'll keep on thinking in the city at dusk"

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01:03 ─❁────────── 01:80

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Eyes like sinking ships on waters

So inviting, I almost jump in


          PLACING DOWN THE FLORAL JOURNAL on her lap, Lucia drew a breath as she sat soundly on a heap of trunks that consisted of hers, Hermione's, Ron's, and Harry's, swinging her legs back and forth aimlessly as she waited in the crowded entrance hall with the rest of the fourth years for the carriages to arrive that would take them back to Hogsmeade station.

Running her hand through her hair, it was another beautiful day that she should enjoy, yet she felt gloomy instead. She had been dreading for this day to come, but she was also hoping that the inhabitants of the Beaumont household had grown in maturity as they did in age and height...

A bit far-fetch of a wish really.


It was Fleur Delacour. She was hurrying up the stone steps into the castle. Beyond her, far across the grounds, Lucia could see Hagrid helping Madame Maxime to back two of the giant horses into their harness. The Beauxbatons carriage was about to take off.

"We will see each uzzer again, I 'ope," said Fleur as she reached Harry, holding out her hand. "I am 'oping to get a job 'ere, to improve my Eenglish."

"It's very good already," said Ron in a strangled sort of voice. Fleur smiled at him; Hermione scowled.

Lucia smiled wholesomely at the interaction between Fleur and Harry, ignoring Ron and Hermione.

"Goodbye, 'Arry," said Fleur, turning to go. "It 'az been a pleasure meeting you!"

Fleur turned to Lucia suddenly, causing the latter to jump in surprise before she pressed a long kiss on both side of Lucia's cheeks, leaving a print of her lipstick on her. "I 'ope to see you again, Lucia," said Fleur with gentle eyes on the girl. "Gabrielle 'ould love to write to you if zhat's ookay?"

Lucia giggled uncontrollably, touching her bright red cheeks. "O-Of course," she hugged Fleur tightly, taking in her sweet scent of flora, seeing as Fleur was itching to hug the little girl. "Tu vas me manquer,"

"Moi aussi," breathed Fleur, teary eye already. "I'll be 'eading off now. Merci and adieu!"

"Adieu!" Lucia waved back at Fleur as the veela descent hurried back across the lawns to Madame Maxime, her silvery hair rippling in the sunlight.

𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now