Wrong (part 4)

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Derek was nervous. He was beyond nervous. Or maybe that was an understatement. Either way, he wanted to leave. But he knew that he couldn't. At least not now. He just couldn't get it in him to leave.

The hospital has never really been his thing. They smelled weird and the sight of people throwing up just made him want to do it for them. He just found it rather disturbing. That's why he wanted to leave. He wanted to leave so badly but.... he also wanted to stay. He wanted to stay because he wanted to talk to Stiles. And seeing as Stiles was still at the hospital, he had to stay.

If there was one thing he wanted to get out of this whole thing was knowing what happened. Knowing what went wrong. And if it meant staying at this damned hospital.... than he was going to do just that.


He recognized the soft voice that was calling his name immediately. With a small smile on his face, he turned around to face Melissa. "Hey." He greeted.

"Hey, love." She smiled. "Are you here to see Stiles?" She questioned.

He nodded, not entirely sure if he should be doing this. "Yeah." He whispered. "Though I'm not quite sure if he wants to see me."

Melissa frowned, not knowing why he would think about such a thing. "Why is that?"

"Because....." He started. He looked her straight in the eyes and shrugged. "He's been here for over 2 months and I didn't even visit him yet." He told her. With a frown on his face he looked towards the ground, not exactly proud of himself for doing that.

Melissa could see the disappointed look on his face. The hurt look in his eyes. "I'm sure you had your reasons for doing that." She told him.

"Well.... yeah, but-"

"Then no buts." Melissa said. "It's Stiles. He'll understand."

"Yeah, but what if he doesn't?" He questioned.

"What could possibly be too hard to understand for Stiles?"

"I don't know." Derek said in all honesty.

With that said, Melissa gave him a reassuring smile and walked away.

Derek knew that if he walked away right now he'll probably never know what happened that night. And he didn't want that. He definitely didn't want that.

While he was walking down the hospital corridor, Derek thought about how he would ask Stiles. He couldn't just blurt it out cause that would probably make it all worse. He knew that he had to go slow and give him time to talk. Time to find the right words. Though, he was afraid that Stiles might refuse to answer. That he might refuse to tell him anything. All he knew, was that he wanted to know.

When he finally found Stiles his hospital room, he hesitated for a moment before shaking his head and slowly opening the door.

The look that Stiles gave him when he saw that it was him who entered the room wasn't exactly the most happy one. He looked rather.......... scared, really. It confused Derek. It was as if Stiles didn't want him there. Which was rather strange.

"Hey." Derek decided to break the silence. "How are you doing?" He questioned.

Stiles was looking at him. "Fine." He grunted. He seemed angry. But it made Derek frown when he could smell the fear on Stiles.

He sighed. He wanted to know why Stiles was scared. Of what. Of who. He couldn't help but think that maybe Stiles was scared of him. He shook his head. "Look, I'm sorry that I didn't visit you sooner but I had a lot on my mind and I knew that if I didn't figure it out before coming to see you, I'd take everything out on you." Derek told him.

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