Chapter 9 - Horny Motherfvcker [smutty]

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Henry's POV:

As William and I finally ate, I barely couldn't eat anything. My thoughts were all the time by Jelena and the new message.
I was feeling like an idiot.

I mean, the last time I had sex with her, we didn't use a... you know, a condom. Why didn't I think about if we would break up and what would happen then, if she would be pregnant.

And now she was great.
Absent I poked at my food. "Hey, dear, look at me," William said as he noticed it. I did and promptly lost myself in his eyes. "We will get through it, okay?"

I nodded, although I felt tears coming in my eyes again. "Do I have to eat?", I asked. William smiled warm at me. "No, if you're not hungry anymore then just put it aside. You can eat it later", he replied.

"Thank you..."
'Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry', I repeated in my mind.
William shoved a fork full of the lasagne into his mouth and seemed to want to say something. "Mh- By the way, when shall we buy the building now?", he asked.

"You really can't think about anything else, huh?", I smirked slightly. "Hey, it was my dream since I was young, okay?", he defended himself and I chuckled. "We can look for a meet up with the seller after dinner, okay? Then we can talk about more", I suggested. William agreed.

As he kept eating, I watched him. I looked at his face, his normally straight dark brown hair which was messed up right now and his grey-blue eyes. The scars that were at the side of his left eye, chin and nose. His thin lips that I loved to kiss.

Suddenly, William also looked at me and had to grin as I blushed a bit and quickly looked away, feeling cought.

He pushed his plate away from him and crossed his arms. "Finished. Can we look now?", he asked. "William! You finished your dinner for one second and you already ask this?", I scolded.

Then I sighed while William smirked. "Okay, then come on, let's put the dishes aside and look for a termin", I said and stood up. I took the plates and brought them in the kitchen.

I don't know, I was too lazy to put them into the dishwasher but William didn't seem to care. He just put our forks and knives beside the plates before we both walked over to the living room again where William's laptop was standing.

We sat down and William gently put his right arm around me. "Sooo... Look, here", he said as he took the laptop, placed it on his lap and searched for the information again.

"Here it's standing: Around 3 pm til 6 pm." "That would be after college so we'd have to drive there just as it ends", I muttered. William nodded. "I know. But we still would have enough time," he interjected.

"Well then... I guess you'll prepare everything, right?", I asked and smiled. William nodded. "Yeah. I will send him a mail or call him. Or her. Or them. Whatever." He chuckled. I leaned over to him and kissed him softly.

"I love you so fucking much", I whispered, trying to put all my love into my voice. The dark brown haired man smiled. "I love you too, darling." He gently stroke over my cheek as I pulled away again.

"I'm going to take a little nap. Don't do too much stupid stuff, okay?", I warned while I actually grinned. William looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "Me? Doing stupid stuff? Tch, never", he smirked.

Then he said: "Sleep well."


William's PoV:

As Henry went into his... no, it's our room now, I forgot, I sighed frustrated. Why did that bitch had to get pregnant?! I fucking hate her. i just mean, Henry and I were on to good - a very good - way to get our relationship to the best. But then she just... had to destroy everything!
Why can't Jelena just disappear into nowhere? Why can't she just FUCKING DIE?!

In shock I opened my eyes as I realised what I just thought. I held my head and groaned.

It couldn't come back... No, not now...! I had to think about something else like.. like Henry.

Henry's face.
His fluffy light brown hair which I liked to mess up.
His dark brown eyes that always seemed to shine.
His soft lips that matched mine perfectly.
His neck which I just wanted to leave on some marks of mine.
If you know what I mean-

Then going more down...
His perfectly buildt torso that I wished to get my hands on and the area below his belt which I was never able to see yet.
His cock twitching in-

Suddenly I felt something trying to poke out of my pants. I tried to hold back a smile while I looked down. "Ha, you little- You made me hard again", I grinned.
"I did what?", Henry asked from the bedroom. I twitched and answered: "I thought you wanted to sleep!"

Good... I couldn't really believe that he made me hard for the second time today. Hesistantly I opened my pants ad pulled my boxers a bit down so I could reveal my dick again. I instantly started stroking my shaft and closed my eyes, letting out a silent moan.

I massaged my eight-inch/20 centimeter member extensively and couldn't think of anything but Henry.
I figured it was his hand and not mine that was making me let out pre-cum. I ran my thumb to my tip and rubbed it. Another groan.

Oh Henry...
"Ahh, fuck," I made. I moved my hand faster, letting my imagination run wild, letting me go crazy already.

I pictured Henry kneeling in front of me with a grin on his face and slowly bending down. He gently licked my cock once along its entire length. Even though it was all just my hand, it felt great.

I moaned again, louder this time.
"I love you so much, my dear Henry", I purred.
I felt my dick twitching violently in my hand, it wouldn't taky any longer before I'd cum.

For one last time I got faster again.
My hand stroked my member, satisfied it benevolently.
I covered my mouth with my free hand, not wanting to be too loud and wake up Henry.
My moans slipped through my fingers and filled the room.

I rolled my eyes back. "Fuck, fuck, fuck", I moaned. "I'm coming for you, do you hear? My cum for you, my love."

Then I came. I released my cum and spurted all over my hand.
Gasping exhaustedly, I put my head back and grinned.

For you, all for you~



Lmao, sorry for not beeing on for so long lol, but I had some chaos at home. I mean, I'm in quarantine now, sitting here with corona, help me (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')

Btw 1146 words lol

And I don't care if William was hard in the last chapter and jerked himself off but I wanted to write smutty stuff, ykyk? :')

Anyways, see ya :3

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