Chapter 17 - Golden furries

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William's POV:

"So how was it?", Henry asked me as I sat onto the couch, exhausted. "Awful. My parents squeezed me like an orange trying to find out more about you. They now know your shoe size. Whatever they need it for", I murmured. "Oh, poor Will," Henry teased, sitting on my lap and kissing my forehead.

"It wasn't any better for me either. Jen kept asking me who we've told about us and how far we've gotten", Henry retorted. I smiled. "And what did you tell her?" "I deliberately ignored her."

I laughed and leaned against him. "What? Do you think I'd give her all the details of our relationship? I could... Oh, and how I could-" "No, no details please!" I spluttered. Henry started laughing too.
"We prefer to keep the details to ourselves."
Henry nodded in agreement with a grin: "It's better that way."

We just lay there on the sofa for a while until I broke the silence again: "Do you remember the week I was sick?" "You mean the one where I had to go to college alone and work alone with your parents and Jen while you drank paracetamol? Yes, I do", Henry replied.

I rolled my eyes and then said, "I wasn't sick at all." Henry raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Follow me."
I didn't say another word about my testimony no matter how much Henry asked as we walked down to the basement together.

"What did you do?" he asked.
I stayed silent.
"Come on, say."
I kept silent.
"I hate you."
"You don't anyway."
Now it was he who was silent.

With a grin on my face, I opened the door to our workshop.
"Look! I did a bit of work on the suits and... designed two new ones." I gestured dramatically to the two yellow suits sitting on the workbench. A bear and a rabbit.
"Haven't I been down here so long that I haven't noticed?", Hery mumbled to himself rather than to me. "Obviously, yes",, I replied anyway, "but it doesn't matter now. Come here, I'll explain the suits to you."

Like an important business man, I stood next to the bunny suit and couldn't resist the urge to wiggle his flexible ears.

"Erm, well. The suits have two modes: one where they serve as a basic suit for the endoskeletons, like the others, and one where they can be worn."
"So...fursuits?", Henry interrupted me. "Hm? Yeah, so to speak... May I continue?"
"Yes, you furry."

I sighed, but then continued: "To let them switch between these modes, I built in something called springlocks. Before you ask: No, they have nothing to do with the fact that it's spring. It's very simple: they spring. Look." I took the head of the bunny suit and turned it over so the opening that the head went in was facing up.

Gingerly, my finger approached one of the springlocks dotted around the brim. "Here... If you touch the locks...", i touched it and then snapped my hand back very quickly before the two curved needles hissed upwards, "snaps it shut. With this function, they cling to the endoskeleton. This is also the reason why I caled them Spring Bonnie and Spring Freddy. You just have to be careful not to move too quickly and accidentally activate the springlocks. This could end up... quite painful and deadly. Acupuncture with a difference."


Henry's PoV:

I actually liked Williams' creations... just not the risk of dying in them.
"And how did you come up with the idea to build it?", I asked out of pure curiosity. "Well, we could wear them at kids' birthday parties and promote Freddy's", he replied, while continuing to play with the bunny's head.
"So more work?"
"... Uh... Yeah," he mumbled.

William put on the bunny's head and happily waved his hands, the bunny's mouth grinning appropriately. "But we look stunning!"
I sighed in amusement. "Yeah, really beautiful", I smiled.

"Come on put yours on too", William demanded, taking the head of the yellow bear suit and holding it out to me. I took it hesitantly and turned the bear's face towards me. Blue empty plastic eyes with small drilled holes as pupils stared at me. When I moved the head, the ears wobbled with it.
As the original Freddy design, Spring Freddy also had a small top hat.

I took a deep breath and then put the head on.
"You look great!", William said and grinned. He was visibly proud of his creations.
"It's not as uncomfortable as I thought. I thought the head alone would be heavier", I praised. I saw William's eyes twinkle happily beneath the green plastic eyes.
"Wanna put on the rest too?", he asked.
Though I was heartily reluctant, I agreed.

A few moments later I was sitting half-naked on the tabletop.
"William, can you please explain to me why I had to take off everything but my boxers?", I asked while getting goosebumps on me. It was really damn cold down here with nothing on.
"For your safety", Will replied.

"For my safety, I do have to get undressed?", I asked in disbelief. "Yes. Your clothes are cut wider than your body and could unintentionally trigger the spring locks. Also...", he grinned, "I can see more of you that way."
He gently stroked my chest, but I slapped his hand away as quickly as possible. "Stop that nonsense, you wanted to show me your suit, not make out with me."
"Oh, right."

William took the lower part of the bear's body and placed it in front of me. "One leg in here, the other there", he instructed me and I carefully lowered myself from the edge of the table into the holes for the legs.
"I'm in", I said.
"Okay, now the torso."
Will now took the bear's upper body, took off his arms and opened the suit at the back.
I slipped my arms through the armholes and turned around so William could close the suit again. Then he put the bear's yellow arms and head on me and admired his work.

He grinned. "Done. I have to say you look great", he smiled.
I wanted to nod in agreement, but didn't dare. I felt the metal parts on every part of my body, which seemed to want to cut into my flesh with every little movement.

"I take back everything I said about comfort, it's uncomfortable as fuck", I muttered.
Will just laughed.



Yeah, me, but it's gone again :')


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