032. "just let my battered feet bleed from these wounds"

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19:09 ─❁────────── 19:79

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Destroy the middle, it's a waste of time

From the perfect start to the finish line


          "YOU'RE TELLING ME YOU WENT to the same primary school as me, but I never recognised you before?" Lucia said in disbelief. It had been a while since they've succumbed into their talk that they now found quite comfortable, on contrary to before. And before they knew it, they began to talk about their certain past living in Little Whinging.

"Do you still have that ugly uniform?" Harry asked, for once enjoying talking about his life before Hogwarts.

It was like her presence and knowledge made it even easier for him to talk about the past he hated, like she could make him forget about certain pains even as they talked about it. He would be lying if he said that he didn't want to stay like this forever, for just listening to her talking caused him to forget all about time and such to the point that he hadn't notice the streetlamps from the surrounding roads beginning to lit, casting a misty glow.

However, something was off. He just couldn't point out what.

"Unfortunately," she huffed. "I would've thrown that away already if I could've, but my younger siblings are supposed to use them I guess," Lucia shrugged. "I doubt that Mother actually mean what she meant and its most likely that she'll enroll them to a more prominent school than the ones that my older brother and I went."

"Maybe it's for the better," told Harry, looking upfront to the rest of the playground. "You know, since they're pretty rubbish at keeping peace within the school."

"Yeah... I remember there were a lot of bullying cases too, but they never done anything about it." Lucia nodded, sighing, "I was lucky enough that I had Hugo and his friend, Leon, with me. Or else, I would've probably been one of the victims. I remember there was this person that always got the short end of the stick though — he's pretty pitiful now that I think about it..."

Harry felt his hands going clammy at the mention of the particular person. Unbeknownst to her, he was that pitiful person she was talking about. What would she think when he reveals that it was him that had been unlucky back then?

Probably would think he was more pathetic than he already was.

"...remember how Mrs. Gardner was during Math class? Was she the same for you, you know, picking on you?"

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now