Chapter 10

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Aleks' POV(continuation):

"Dan, call Jordan. We need to get the fuck outta here. We can not stay here. We can't fit in this damned." I wander to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" James. What does he think?

"Trying to find a place to sleep. Not finding one."Dan puts the camera away. "I'll call up Jordan. Maybe he can get us a refund or maybe a proper hotel." Dan is always so calm...why? Well, unless you fuck with his farm on Minecraft. Then he gets mad, but not James mad. I'd be scared if I was the one to piss James off. I mean, we dont hold grudges, but in that moment of time, I'd fear for my life.

Once Cece stops laughing, she quickly grabs the container from James. She smirks evilly.

Cece's POV:

Who's face do I shove this into? I'd be scared of James, Dan is just way too nice to do that to him. Aleks it is. An evil smirk lures across my face. Aleks is the closest to me and slowly backs up. James smirks evilly too. He quickly grabs Aleks and yells "DO IT!". I panic for a second then run up to Aleks, shoving the smelly container in Aleks' face. Once he starts coughing, 2 seconds later, I remove it and quickly throw it into the bathroom and innocently lay on the bed. Aleks catches his breath. I shut my eyes, trying to relax and let Dan talk with Jordan. All of a sudden I feel body weight on me. I quickly open my eyes to see Aleks pinning me down and shoving the ass-case in my face. I scream, but because Aleks is on top of me, it almost sounds like a moan. "Aleks! Please!" He quickly gets off me and his face is red. I throw the container again, into the bathroom/kitchen.

"Would you guys keep it down?!" Dan almost yells. James smirks at me and I cover my face, blushing like crazy.

It's silent, the only noise being Dan talking on the phone. When they hang up, Dan looks at us all, really weirdly.

"So, we have two tomato faces and an evil smirking James. Nothing new there." He shakes his head. "So I have to go sign us out, you three go to the car. We're going to a different hotel."

We all head out to the car as Dan checks us out.

15 minutes later he comes out.

"What took so damn long?" James asks. He's with Dan in the front this time so I'm stuck on Aleks' lap. There's no room in the back. I may or may not have fallen asleep on his lap. I was tired and he's comfortable, can you blame me? I just hope James didn't record any of me sleeping on Aleks.

I woke up just before we got to the new hotel. James and Dan are busy talking and Aleks is asleep. I kinda just look at him. I lick my lips. He's so cute. His hair is just briefly in his face. I move it out of his face, slowly. I slowly move my face closer to his. I carefully press my lips onto his. Almost immediately, he's kissing back. A couple seconds later, I pull away. "Wakey wakey Aleks. We're at the hotel." I smile a little. We all collect our stuff and head to the hotel. Dan checks us in. He's like that father when Koots isn't around.

"Alright. We got two rooms. They're across from each other. Two beds per room. Who goes with who?" We all kinda look around.

"I'll go with Aleks." I grab his hand and smile. James smirks at me and wiggles his eyebrows. "Don't even James."

We head to our rooms. I go into mine and Aleks room first. There's only one bed. "Uhm.. Aleks. We're kinda sharing a bed again." I smirk. I'm fine. I'd miss his body heat next to me when I wake up in the morning. Aleks walks in. "it'll be just like we're at the creature house I guess." I nod and we quickly get ourselves situated in the room. "So, we're going to just hang around here for a bit, then head over to James and Dans' room. I already spoke to them about it." Oh shit. What does he have planned? I pull out my phone. I'm going to tell him about the prank now. I get my camera recording. "Aleks... I have something important to tell you.' He looks at me as if I just committed a crime. 'Remember that morning you woke up and we were naked from the night before?" He stares at me as if he knows what I'm about to say, starting to shake his head. "Nothing happened. It was all an elaborate ruse. Sly made me do it." He stares at me for a while. "well... Sly's a fucking ass hat and he's going to get it when we get home." I stop recording and put my phone away. "He wanted me to wait until we were gone to tell you. I'm sorry. I thought it was a good idea at the time. Please dont hate me." I give him the puppy dog eyes. "This... I thought you were different." He smirks. "you're almost like one of us. I'd see if you could join us, but, you've already got your own youtube group. Also, we're guys only. Sorry!" Aleks grabs my hand and looks me in the eyes. "Di-didn't you want to t-talk to me about so-something?" Aleks looks at me confused. "didn't you? Is there a reason we didn't go over right away?"

Aleks' POV:

Now that I know, that night was all fake, I can't talk about that... I need an excuse as to why we didn't go over right away. "Well... in the car... the kiss. What was that all about?" Cece blushes a lot. "I didn't know you were awake... Was trying to wake you up." She blushes more, smiling. I feel my face heat up as well. I quickly kiss her cheek and let go of her hand. "Let's go." I smile and head to the door. I look back at Cece and she's blushing like crazy looking at the floor. I'm starting to think she likes me... maybe James was right that other time.

Cece slowly walks to the door. "lets go..." she says quickly. when we leave the room Cece goes to knock on the door then stops. "Oh, right." I open the door and walk in smirking to myself and James noticed right away and nudges me on the arm as he notices Cece blushing. I shove him back. Dan comes between us and hugs Cece. "Okay so, we normally get up at 6:00 am for conventions so we're going to have to head to bed in an hour, so we should talk about what we're doing tomorrow." James nods and stands up. "Agreed. Now, this is only because Cece is new to the whole convention thing." We start talking it through and finish with half an hour to spare. Everyone goes on a mobile device. Dan and James on laptops and me on my phone with Cece passed out on my lap. She's honestly really adorable. I take a picture of James and Dan and post it to twitter. "We're being very productive. featuring @uberhaxornova and @danznewz." I then take a picture of Cece and post it. "Special guest @Bandaddict364 of The Katures. This is not a crotch shot ;)" I know my fans well. My twitter blows up. Everyone's either asking if she's my girlfriend or just saying how lucky she is to be that close to my dick. If they only knew how we sleep together. They'd flip even more.

"Well, I'm getting tired and have to carry her, so can I get on of you to open the doors for me?" James stands up. "Let's go." I put my phone away and pick up Cece, holding her bridal style, carrying her to our door, waiting for James. As he opens the door for me to go into the room wit Cece, he wiggles his eyebrows at me. I just shoot him a dirty look. I go to set her on the bed until she wraps her arms around my neck. "Hey sleeping beauty." She smiles up at me, staring into my eyes, looking from one to the other. She slowly leans into me as I carefully lick my lips, not wanting to seem desperate, not matter how desperate I really am. She rests her forehead on mine. If she couldn't hear my heartbeat before, she most defiantly can now. She makes our noses touch and our lips are so close now, I can feel her breathing. "I need to get changed. can you go to the washroom or just look away please." What a tease. She smirks. "I know im a tease Aleks. Just get ready for bed." I said that outloud, fuck. I get up off Cece and turn away from her. I take off my shirt and pants so im only in my boxers. When I'm told I'm allowed to, I turn back around to go into bed. "whoa..." Cece's only in her bra and underwear. She blushes a little and goes under the blankets. I notice she's staring at my boxers. "What?" I look down. Boner.

"Shit! I'm so sorry!" I quickly cover it and blush a lot. "you were teasing though..." She hides her face into the pillows. "goodnight Aleksandr." She says before falling asleep, softly snoring. I'm now left alone, with a massive boner and a hot girl in the bed I'm supposed to sleep in as well. I think I should deal with this...."issue" before getting into the bed with Cece. I go to the bathroom and drop my boxers to the floor. I grab a hold of my shaft and start moving my hand up and down, trying to keep my moans quiet.

Cece's POV:

I pretended to pass out again before anything too awkward happens between Aleks and I. I hear him walk away and then hear the bathroom door shut. Oh no, please tell me he's not about t-"uhh.." I hear from the bathroom. Yup, he's doing it. I cover my head with a pillow, hoping to drown out the moans a little. Does he like me or is he just bring horny? If he does like me, does he like me for me or for the possibility of sex? Aleks isn't like that, is he? I hear the door open and quickly return to the way I was when he went into the bathroom. He crawls into bed with me and I cuddle into his chest, obviously facing him now. I feel the warmth of his chest and can tell he's wearing boxers. He had to have done that so that he wouldn't be in bed with it. He's too nice to be using me. I feel him softly kiss the top of my head. I move my head up so I'm looking into his beautiful hazel eyes. I make our noses touch again and quickly kiss him. Just before I fall asleep I murmur something I never meant to. "I love you Aleks." and then fall asleep.

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