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Y/n's pov

"Hey Jisoo wake up we're here" I say gently shaking her. Her eyes open slowly and when they meet mine I smile gently at her. I hear her let out a small yawn behind her mask as she fixes her bucket cap.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask while grabbing our carry on luggage from the overhead storage.

"Yeah your shoulder is comfy" she says standing up.

"Well I'm glad you think so. Come on my friend is waiting for us" I gently grab her hand and lead us off the plane. If there's one good thing about being in a small town there's no paparazzi waiting to take photos of any celebrity that happens to show up. We make our way to baggage claim to get our suitcases then head outside. I look around then finally spot my friend and I lead us over to him.

"Bradley!" I smile letting go of Jisoos' hand to give him a hug.

"Y/n! It's been too long it's good to see you! Oh? And who's this?" He asks glancing behind me to see Jisoo.

"Oh this is Jisoo she's a friend of mine from work, Jisoo this is my best friend Bradley"

"Y/n's friend huh? Well you're very pretty, nice to meet you" he says shaking her hand.

"Oooh I'm gonna tell Leah you said that" I tease while I put our bags in the back of the car. We climb in and Bradley turns to us.

"So which hotel are y'all staying at?"

"Uh actually we're staying at the house" I say and he gives me a look

"It'll be fine" I nod reassuring him and myself.

"All right, so Jisoo what do you do since you work with Y/n?"

"Oh I'm just another intern there nothing special" I was caught off guard with how quickly she came up with the lie. I guess she's had to cover up what she actually does multiple times before.

"Ah all right I hope you're keeping Y/n here out of trouble since I can't keep an eye on her" he laughs

"Hey! If anyone was the troublemaker it was definitely you" I pout and I hear Jisoo chuckle

"Yeah I'm making sure she doesn't get into too much trouble so you don't need to worry" I turn around getting ready to say something but she sends me a wink and I blush. I turn back around and mumble to myself and Bradley laughs.

"Well then I should be thankful she's got you looking out for her" he smiles. We continue to chat until we reach my family's old house.

"All right thanks for the lift man" I say turning to him and we do our handshake.

"Of course no problem I'll see y'all in a couple days. Oh and Jisoo it was nice meeting you" he smiles. I grab our bags and let him know we're good and he drives off. I once again grab Jisoos' hand and lead us up the stairs to the house.

"Welcome to my childhood home" I smile lightly as memories come flooding through my mind, some good and some bad but I push the bad ones down. I open up the door and lead us up to my old room which is more than big enough for the two of us.

"Your parents aren't home?" She asks

"Nope they're out of town" I reply...it's not a total lie.

"Too bad I would've liked to meet them"

"Yeah.." I'm sure they would've loved to meet you too Jisoo.

"Oh hey maybe we can fly them out for Chuseok? It is coming up in a few weeks, think they'll be able to make it?"

"Uh I'll ask but they probably won't be able to make it. They're pretty busy"

"Oh what do they do?" Well damn I know my father was a businessman but my mom? Dad always told me about what she was like but never mentioned any occupation she had. All I knew was she liked to draw and paint so I guess I could tell her that my mom was an artist?

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