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Nora took a couple of steps away from her house and turned back to look at it. She stood with an emotionless face. While she continued to stare, surrounding her was a group of aliens and the spaceship above her house. She looked around, looking for something, or better yet, someone. Glancing through the big crowd of some type of alien guards, she found him, the man that started this mess, the alien king.

" Are you Nora Pierce?" One of the alien guards asked, "Yes..." she replied as she looked over just to make eye contact with whom she assumed was the King. "My brother... he is still inside, please help," Nora tells them in a fearless voice but she was clearly shaken. They all looked at each other and then towards their king for an order.

"Burn it" was all Nora heard, "No! My brother is still there! Please help him! No!" she screamed out to the aliens before attempting to go back inside to her brother. Before she was able to go back in, someone grabbed her and dragged her away. She saw a glimpse of her older brother. He was lying in the same spot as before, but he was looking at her with a small smile, mouthing a 'You got this' before the house went up in flames.

"Maxi! Please no! Maxi! Let me go, you stupid alien!" Nora yelled out as she continued to sob helplessly while being taken away.
Maxi slowly watched his sister be taken away as the fire got closer to him, he smiled towards her, her face full of tears, and screaming out his name was the last thing he wanted to remember before his death, but he knew it needed to be done.

As the fire slowly reaches Maxi, he closes his eyes and braced himself for pain. While he was closing his eyes, memories began to flood into his head. Every memory that he cherished so much was slowly coming back to him, the memories of when Nora was born, her first laugh, first words, first steps, and her very first 'I love you,' to him. Maxi groans in pain while the fire slowly burns his body, and not long after that, dead. Laying in the spot where his dear sister left him to be, a beautiful smile was seen on his face before his body was slowly burned to ashes.

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