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Felix followed her. He is an innocent young boy who doesn't know what his kind has done to the people of the Empire. All he knew was that they had come in search of their queen, nothing more. When they first arrived in the Empire, they started at the northern border, then slowly towards the Western, where they found their queen. Felix knew that the king was looking for someone specific, and it took two days to reach the specific village that their queen lived in.

Nora continued down the path with Felix right behind her in silence. As she walked down, she stopped in front of a small wooden gate, a gate that was created by the villagers. She opened it and walked in, with Felix following close behind. It was just another part of the forest, but this part of the forest they were currently walking through had what Nora needed, the dicentra flower.

As she approached the small beautiful heart-shaped flower, she kneeled and picked up one bud of the plant, and turned to Felix.
"Felix, can you do me a favor?" Nora asked the young boy. He nodded in return. "Promise me, you will not resent me for this. Thank you for doing your job," she said to him with a heavy heart.

"What do you mean-" before Felix was able to finish his sentence, Nora had shoved the flower bud that she held in her hand into Felix's mouth. Felix stood still shocked at the action of Nora, "Aliens should not trust humans easily, Felix, you are a nice boy, close your eyes and rest" Nora says as she gently patted his head, Felix trusted her and did what she said.

Before he fully closed his eyes, "I won't hate you, you were like an older sister to me," he said in a weak voice, when he finally closed both of his eyes with a tear-stained face, Nora held his hand in hers, with tears slowly making their way down her face.

"I'm sorry," Nora continues to mumble while rubbing his cold hand. Felix was now slowly dying. She killed him with her hand.
After Felix died, Nora slowly stood up, feeling numb to any emotion, and started picking the flowers. The small tote bag that Nora brought with her was now filled with the newly picked branches of flowers. With guilt written all over her face, she had to stay in the forest for a while until she was able to calm down and put on a brave face. Nora needed to be brave about what she was about to do by herself, exactly like it was said in the prophecy.

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