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Everybody made their way down to the large dining room together after sending Felix off. At each table in the room, there was a cup with some sort of tea. Every one of them made their way to their seats and sat down, waiting patiently for their Queen. When Nora entered the room with Austin by her side, all the guards stood up and greeted their king and queen before sitting back down.

"Is this everybody?" Nora asked Austin, who was by her side, "Yes, every alien who is on Earth is gathered here at your request," he answered her with a smile.

"Today, we have lost a brave young knight to our enemies who want to harm our family. Tonight, I made tea from the flowers that he has chosen for us, as a goodbye for Sir Felix. Let us all make a toast to honor him." Nora said with a sad smile on her face before everybody drank the tea, everyone but Nora as she just put the edge of the cup to her lips, and Austin didn't even notice.

After everybody took a sip, Austin spoke up, "Enjoy the rest of the night, drink more if you like," before taking Nora's hand and heading into their bedroom. When they reached their bedroom, Austin made his way to the bed and lay down while Nora stood by the side. She watched him in silence as he is in his thoughts with his eyes closed. Not even a few seconds later, there was a loud knocking on the doors.

Austin sat up and looked towards the doors with a confused expression. Nora walked over and opened them. When she opened it, the guard who was knocking on their door was on the ground, having difficulty breathing. He was trying to say something, but no words were coming out of his mouth. Nora let out a big gasp at the sight before her. The hall was full of many guards who were now laying on the floor, everywhere.

Austin quickly made his way over next to her and looked at his people in bewilderment. Every one of them was dead.

"Nora," Austin said as he dragged her away from the door and towards their bed. He sat her down on the edge of their bed and stood before her, still shocked from the sight.

"Something is not right, everybody was fine, so why..." he paused before falling to the ground and looking at her. "You did this?" he said weakly to Nora, who stood up and looked at him with a bewildered face. "Austin..." she said quietly with a sad voice looking down at him before she quickly changed her expression.

" You are stupid," Nora says now smiling sadly at the sight before her. "I tried hard, do you like my acting?" she said sadly, looking at him with a broken heart.

"Nora, I trusted you, I loved you!" he said aggressively as he groaned in pain from the poison. "Well, Austin, I never did," Nora said with the guilty sad smile growing on her face before walking away from him and out the door. As she walked out of the room and into the hall, where she knew Austin wouldn't see her face. She walked with tears threatening to fall out of her eyes and guilt eating her up inside.

Each body she passed, she was reminded of how happy they were before they died by drinking her poison. The closer she got to the exit, the more guilt she was feeling for deceiving another race that was not human.

As she exited the ship, what stood before her was the goddess, the goddess who gave the prophecy to the people. The prophecy was given to the Empire 10 years ago, about when the aliens will invade their Empire to find their queen. It also said that the role of the Queen who was chosen was the one who killed off the alien race with the dicentra flower. Which did happen as it was predicted, but the thing that was not predicted was how the human girl, a strong woman, fell in love with the alien King but still fulfilled the prophecy despite her feelings,

"I did it."

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